Chikisheva T. Антропологическая дифференциация населения юга Западной Сибири
Тюркская ДНК-генеалогия
3 R гаплогруппы R1
История R1b ДНК
Central Asians' mtDNA Genetics 14 - 1 cc. BC
=> 50%W.Eurasian, 43% E.Eurasian, 7%Indian
Sarmatian mtDNA 6 c. BC-2 c. AD => 1 W.Eurasian, 1 Turkic
mamas, papas later
Pazyryk mtDNA Genetics 4-2 c. BC
=> Paleo-Sibirian and Altaian mamas
Modern Türks of Pazyryk Descent => N. Altaians, Teleuts, Shors
Eastern Hun Genetics 3 c. BC => Turkish mamas and papas
Eastern Hun mtDNA Genetics 5 and 1cc. BC => 1/2 Portugese 1/2 Turkic
mtDNA genetics Altai 5th cc. BC => Paleo-Sibirian and Asiatic
Etruscans Genetic Study 7 to 2 cc BC => 45% Türkic, 35% Basque, and 20% N African
Ossetian Genetics
=>Digorians ~ Adygs, Ironians
~ Georgians, with mamas 12-31% ~ Persians
Physical anthropology from Huns to present Itil Bulgars
Scythians 7 c. BC
Leonid T. Yablonsky Burial place of a Massagetan warrior 8-7 c. BC
Orazak Ismagulov Andronovo, Bonze Age, Saka, Usuns and Türkic people
Craniology And History - By C.S.Coon
Corded Culture - Altaic Roots - By C.S.Coon
Ethnic Affiliation Scythians
Кайи и Гелоны