In Russian
Djagfar Tarihi
Contents Huns
Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases
Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline
Seyanto Dateline

Духовная культура Волжских Булгар

Военная и социально-политическая история Itil Булгарии XI века

3. 3. Мифтахов

Курс лекций по истории татарского народа

Л Е К Ц И Я 14



1. Правление царя Мохаммеда.

2. Превращение Itil Булгарии в великую процветающую державу.

3. Царствование Тимара.


Вторая половина Х века в истории Itil Булгарии оказалась примечательной во многих отношениях. Во-первых, крупные феодалы-казанчии усилили нажим на правителей, вынуждая их перевести государственных крестьян в разряд зависимых от феодалов. Это значительно усилило напряженность в стране между крупными феодалами и податным сословием. Во-вторых, резко увеличился аппарат чиновников. На них содержание нужны были большие средства. В-третьих, Волжская Булгария добилась крупных успехов во внешней политике и расширила свои пределы.

Цель данной лекции - выяснение обстоятельств, когда, при каких условиях и каким образом совершился переход от упадка мощи государства Itil Булгарии к периоду его процветания и могущества.

1. ПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЦАРЯ Мохаммеда (943-976 гг.)

Падение нравственности среди представителей правящей верхушки, расстройство системы управления государственными делами связано с именами двух правителей, а именно: Ялкау Микаиля и Мохаммеда.

Когда в 943 году умер активный участник всех народных увеселений и забав царь Микаиль, прозванный в народе "Ялкау Микаиль" ("Ленивый Микаиль"), то на трон подняли его сына Мохаммеда. От отца он унаследовал тягу к различным утехам: охоте, гаремным наслаждениям, пирушкам и т.п. (1; 82). Даже джиены Мохаммед превратил в увеселительные поездки. Чтобы не вызвать гнев своего везира и одновременно главы мусульман Itil Булгарии сеида Насыра (сына Ахмеда ибн-Фадлана), он объезжал села язычников и там предавался различным утехам. Крупные феодалы-казанчии всячески поощряли распущенность царя, так как это отвлекало его от управления государством. Феодалы приобретали все большую самостоятельность. В угоду им царь Мохаммед снял с них все налоги, переложив их на субашей, т.е. на государственных крестьян-мусульман. Однако это не привело к существенному пополнению казны, а лишь вызвало недовольство крестьян. Поскольку на увеселительные мероприятия нужны были деньги, то царь предпринимал судорожные попытки пополнить казну. Чтобы выколачивать все новые налоги, он резко увеличил аппарат чиновников и повысил в два раза размер дани с иля-провинции Мардан-Беллак. За счет этих средств царь решил повысить жалование бахадирам, т.е. служилым феодалам-рыцарям. Такое поведение и такая политика Мохаммеда привели к весьма пагубным последствиям.

Во-первых, среди населения страны началось брожение. Правоверные мусульмане стали выражать недовольство поведением царя, порочащим имя мусульманина.

Во-вторых, чиновники, пользуясь отсутствием надлежащего контроля за их деятельностью, стали сильно притеснять земледельцев и ремесленников. Сначала они грабили население пограничных районов, а затем принялись за жителей Байтюбинской провинции. В результате начался массовый отток населения к северу от Камы.

В-третьих, когда губернатору провинции Мардан-Беллак не удалось добиться снижения налогов, он собрал с населения налоги в двойном размере и сдал в казну. Однако в отместку велел открыть дороги через Мардан-Беллак к Внутренней Булгарии. В результате отряды тюркмен стали разорять, грабить города и села Itil Булгарии. Началась так называемая "Тюркменская война", длившаяся 15 лет. Стремление тюркмен захватить земли булгар объяснялось следующим обстоятельством.

Тюркмены кук-огузы жили в области, которая называлась "Мэн-Кышлак" - современный полуостров Мангышлак. Некогда это был цветущий и многолюдный край (1; 45). Неслучайно его прозвали "Тысяча поселений". Однако изменение русла реки Бинедже привело к засухе. Начался голод. Кроме того, кук-огузов стали притеснять огузы-сарытекенцы. Под давлением голода и сарытекенцев кук-огузы устремились на север.

Кук-огузы "были наиболее красивым племенем из тюрок, и многие из них имели, подобно синдийцам, высокий рост, волосы золотистого цвета и голубые глаза" (1; 46). Сами кук-огузы объясняли это тем, что в древности их предки пошли вслед за синдийцами в Месопотамию. Здесь на территории Шумера, а также большого Рума (азиатская часть совр. Турции) они смешались с синдийцами. В Среднюю Азию кук-огузы прибыли с войсками Александра Македонского в началеIV в. до. н.э.

В-четвертых, губернаторы отдельных илей-провинций стали проявлять непокорность по отношению к центральной власти. Так, например, улугбек г.Биляра Бул (он же Бел и Нуретдин) переправился с большой группой субаши недовольных чрезмерными поборами на правый, т.е. северный берег Камы, сверг престарелого губернатора Кашана Джакын-Микаиля и сам стал губернатором. Вначале везир Насыр не хотел утвердить Була в должности губернатора Кашана, однако, когда тот уплатил дань в два раза превышающую прежнюю, согласился.

Царь Мохаммед и его везир Насыр с каждым годом теряли контроль за ситуацией в илях-провинциях. Новый губернатор Байтюбы Бахта не имел в провинции никакой реальной власти, там хозяйничали феодалы-казанчии. Губернатор боялся выезжать из цитадели города Биляра. В то же время губернатор Кашана Бул получил право назначать своих туджунов для надзора за благонадежностью югур-тарханов провинции Бий-су, Ура и Байгул. Туджуны - это чиновники по особым поручениям. Югур-тархан - это титул вождей северных народов, который им давали правители хуннского княжества Буляр еще в 1-ом веке нашей эры. Брат Була Джилки ежегодно в определенное время объезжал указанные провинции (Бий-су, Ура и Байгул), забирал собранную дань, производил новые назначения, проверял работу назначенных Булом туджунов.

По приказу Була в этих провинциях построили новые крепости. Так, например, был построен центр провинции Ура г. Каргадан (или Карга), куда съезжались югур-тарханы северных народов для передачи "подарочной дани", получения назначений, отчетов, а югур-тарханы народов, живших вдоль р. Мосха (Сухона) и Унджи, собирались в крепости Гусман-Катау на реке Джук-су (совр. Юг) (1; 90).

Таким образом, во второй половине 40-х годов Х в. правитель Itil Булгарии Мохаммед выпустил из своих рук самое доходное средство пополнения государственной казны - сбор дани с северных народов. Теперь ценнейшие меха, мед, воск сосредотачивались в руках губернатора Кашана, который стал самым богатым человеком в государстве. Он прибрал в свои руки также торговлю со Скандинавией. Скандинавских купцов, прибывающих в Волжскую Булгарию через Северный Ледовитый Океан (Чулман дингезе) и по реке Бий-су (Печера), он принимал в г. Кашане, выдавал им разрешение на торговлю на территории державы и брал с них пошлину. Во второй половине Х в. в процедуру взаимного товарооборота ввели одно новшество: скандинавские и булгарские купцы до возвращения из поездок "оставляли друг у друга заложников. Впрочем, до наказания заложников ни разу не дощло" (1; 90).

В период правления царя Мохаммеда был введен так называемый "откупной налог". Как было уже сказано, в поисках новых видов увеселений царь ездил по стране. Как правило, он путешествовал с двухтысячным отрядом феодалов-казанчиев. Жители некоторых округов, не желавшие приезда царя, платили "откупной налог". Однако Мохаммед часто отправлялся в уже откупившиеся округа (1; 92).

Царь Мохаммед сумел внести неразбериху и в монетное дело. В 947 году он назначил сына свергнутого кашанского губернатора Габдуллу улугбеком-губернатором г. Булгара и присвоил ему личный титул эмира. Вскоре после этого Габдулла как губернатор столицы и эмир начал чеканить монеты со своим именем. От зависти сеид и везир Насыр велел своему ставленнику губернатору Нур-Сувара чеканить монеты со своим именем. Так появились монеты с именами двух губернаторов - Габдуллы (губернатора Булгара) и Талиба (губернатора Нур-Сувара) (1; 89).

В 976 году царь Мохаммед умер. Итог его деятельности был печален: государственные дела пришли в упадок, усилились социальные противоречия, нравственные устои общества расшатались, страна находилась на грани расчленения.


Поистине: страна находилась на грани катастрофы. Особенно тяжелое положение сложилось на западе и востоке страны. В 40-х годахX в. в западных владениях Itil Булгарии создали новую провинцию - Мартюба. Центром стала крепость Зюя-Дэбэр (на совр. р. Свияга, видимо, в районе совр. деревни Деушево). Первым губернатором был назначен купец Мар из рода Бурджан-Мар. Купец Мар был потомком того Мара, под предводительством которого дагестанские булгары прибыли в Среднее Поволжье. Губернатор Мартюбы стал собирать с мусульман двойную дань, а со всех немусульман тройной налог, поэтому население стало убегать из этих краев.

Положение дел на востоке было еще хуже. Территория провинции Тамта была разорена тюркменами наполовину, а в провинции Байтюба уцелела лишь четвертая часть земель (1; 92).

Как видим, ситуация в стране сложилась критическая. Выход из нее связан с деятельностью Талиба Мумина.

Предыстория его восхождения к власти. Талиб - младший сын покойного царя Газана, внук царя Алмыша. Царь Мохаммед объявил его своим приемным сыном.

В конце 40-х годов Х в., губернатор Байтюбы Аксак-Ахмед пригласил кана Мохаммеда в г. Биляр На подходе к городу царский караван был внезапно атакован отрядом тюркмен. Царь Мохаммед остался жив благодаря мужеству находившегося при нем Талиба (1; 94). Царь сильно разозлился на Аксак-Ахмеда и снял его с должности. Губернатором Байтюбы был назначен Талиб. Став губернатором и получив титул эмира, Талиб стал действовать.

Создание Талибом регулярной армии. Талиб обратился к губернатору Кашана Кукче, сыну Була, с просьбой дать взаймы денег. За это Талиб обещал Кукче поддержать его претензии на правление в Кашане. Кукча выделил средства. На эти деньги Талиб создал 6-тысячную армию. Набор воинов осуществлялся на следующих условиях.

Во-первых, служба являлась постоянной. Весной каждого года желающие могли покинуть службу.

Во-вторых, жалованье воинам выплачивалось регулярно и высокое.

В-третьих, три четверти добычи оставалось воинам и лишь одна четвертая часть - Талибу.

Многие крестьянские хозяйства были разорены тюркменами или пришли в упадок из-за высоких налогов. Везде в губернии царила нищета и голод. В этих условиях желающих поступить в армию за высокое жалованье и большую долю военной добычи было очень много. На одно место воина претендовали 100-200 желающих. Первыми воинами стали крестьяне аула Курсыбай, поэтому название этой деревни закрепилось за постоянной армией, созданной Талибом. Итак, курсыбай - это регулярная армия, воины которой получали за службу жалованье и определенную часть военной добычи.

Командующий курсыбаем носил титул сардара. Сардару подчинялись картаманы, т.е. тысячники. Их в курсыбае было 6 человек. Картаманам подчинялись кортбашы - сотники. Кортбашам подчинялись унбаши - десятники. Итак, командный состав курсыбая состоял из следующих чинов: сардар-картаманы-кортбашы-унбашы.

На поле боя курсыбай выстраивался в три линии.

Первая линия. Ее занимали баранджары. Это были самые лучшие воины. Их было тысяча человек. Они получали жалованье в четыре раза больше, чем воины третьей, т.е. последней линии.

Вторая линия. Ее занимали 2 тысячи опытных воинов, по возрасту несколько старше, чем воины первой линии. Их называли "башкортами". Они получали жалованье в два раза больше, чем воины третьей линии.

Третья линия. Ее занимали самые молодые воины. Их называли "кючеками", т.е. "щенками". Их было 3 тысячи (1; 95).

Таким образом, в сражении войско губернатора Талиба строилось в виде клина: передний конец, обращенный к противнику, сужался, а противоположный становился все шире и шире.

По мере накопления опыта и проявления храбрости, стойкости воинов переводили из одной линии в другую. Тем самым повышалось их жалованье.

Первым командующим курсыбая, т.е. сардаром был Кукча Амир (1; 95).

Первый крупный успех к курсыбаю пришел в 959 году. Недалеко от новой билярской крепости Кылган курсыбай уничтожил войска тюркменских ханов Шонкара и Лачына. Братья были взяты в плен. Им отрубили обе руки и отпустили к главному хану тюркмен Арслану. Тот пришел в ярость и направился к г.Биляру. Однако сардар курсыбая Кукча Амир перехватил его. Сардар послал к хану Арслану одного печенега (баджанака) под видом перебежчика. И этот "перебежчик" привел тюркмен к одной недостроенной байтюбинской крепости. Там были поставлены шатры, чтобы создать впечатление присутствия здесь булгарского войска. В это время курсыбай окружил войска хана Арслана. От 60 тысяч воинов Арслана бегством спаслись лишь 2-3 тысячи. Самого хана Арслана поймали арканом и приволокли к сардару Кукча Амиру. Хан стал просить пощады. На это сардар ответил: "Ты и твои младшие братья дотла сожгли 80 аулов, не считая сотен пострадавших частично, и я рад, что за каждый из них рассчитался тысячью жизней твоих разбойников. А за Курджун-Самар и убитого в нем Балуса я рассчитаюсь твоей головой" (1; 96). После этих слов он слез с коня и отсек хану Арслану голову.

Благодаря курсыбаю удалось предотвратить захват тюркменами территории провинции Байтюба. Так закончилась 15-летняя "Тюркменская война".

Внешняя политика везира Талиба. В 960 году кан Мохаммед назначил Талиба везиром. Учитывая характер Мохаммеда и образ его жизни, нетрудно понять, что Талиб быстро сосредоточил всю полноту власти в своих руках. Прежде всего он перевел всех булгар-земледельцев, независимо от религиозной принадлежности в разряд субашей или чирмышей, т.е. в разряд привилегированных государственных земледельцев-мусульман. Иными словами, вернулся к законодательству царя Алмыша.Кроме того, Талибу удалось обуздать чиновничество.

Наличие хорошо обученной постоянной армии, успокоившихся земледельцев и приведенного в порядок аппарата чиновников создало основу для проведения активной внешней политики.

Главная цель внешней политики везира Талиба состояла в том, чтобы освободиться от зависимости Хазарии и присоединить исконно булгарские территории к Булгару (1; 96). Неожиданно возникло существенное препятствие.

Князь Святослав (булгары называли его Барысом) собрал 20 тысяч скандинавов и 50 тысяч руссов и решил разбить Булгарию и Хазарию (1; 96). В 964 году он захвалил у булгар г. Джир (совр. Ростов), а затем Кан (варианты: Кан-Керман, Кан-Мардан, совр. г. Муром). Этими городами в то время управляли наместники кана Мохаммеда Сып-Гусман и Саин. Они прибежали в г. Булгар и ожидали сурового наказания от везира, так как считали себя виноватыми в том, что не смогли отстоять Джир и Кан. Однако везир Талиб рассудил иначе. Он приказал им отправиться к князю Святославу с предложением о совместном походе против Хазарии. За это везир Талиб предлагал передать Святославу Джир (г. Ростов), Кан (г. Муром) и западную часть Кортджака (территория современных Московской, Владимирской и Ивановской областей). Услышав это, Святослав не поверил своим ушам и лично прибыл в г. Булгар за подтверждением этого предложения.

Переговоры князя Святослава и везира Талиба проходили на острове "Пчелиный" напротив г. Булгара. Талиб подтвердил ранее сделанное предложение: Булгария уступит Святославу Джир, Кан и Западный Кортджак, если тот выполнит два условия. Во-первых, если примет участие в походе против Хазарии. Во-вторых, если будет выплачивать ежегодную дань в размере дани с Джира, так называемую "джирскую дань".

Князь Святослав предлагал договориться и о разделе Хазарии. Однако по предложению Талиба этот вопрос отложили до захвата территории Хазарии. На этих условиях договоренность была достигнута. На прощание князь Святослав обещал напасть на Хин (Хин-Керман, Саркел, Белая Вежа).

На обратном пути из г. Булгара князь Святослав покорил вятичей (булгары их называли батышцами).

Соглашение со Святославом давало возможность булгарам совершить нападение на Хазарию. Однако возникло новое препятствие. Аксакалы провинции Мардан-Беллак решили, что победа над Хазарией усилит власть кана, а это создаст угрозу вольностям Мардан-Беллака. Поэтому они были против войны с Хазарией. Эту проблему везир Талиб решил следующим образом. Он обещал аксакалам Мардан-Беллака передать этой провинции все земли Хазарии, кроме Хина (Саркел на Дону). Это означало, что Талиб вовсе не собирался делиться со Святославом территорией Хазарии. Свои намерения он высказал сардару Кукче Амиру в следующих словах: "Хазария не болотные кочки Кортджака, Джира и Кана. Взятие Хазарии сделает Булгар самой могучей державой, ибо поставит под нашу власть все пути из стран неверных в страны Востока. И делиться этим могуществом с кем-либо было бы настоящим безумием" (1; 97).

Далее везир Талиб послал к тюркменам своего человека, и тот договорился с ханом Микаилем о том, что он с 12 тысячами воинов нападет на столицу Хазарии г. Итиль. Зимой 965 года хан Микаиль так и сделал. Главнокомандующий хазарской армией Кубар вынужден был перебросить к столице почти все свои силы. Воспользовавшись этим, сардар со своим курсыбаем подошел к г. Хину и сообщил его жителям о том, что на город скоро нападет князь руссов. Жители города, наслышанные о резне руссами вятичей, решили оставить Хин. Талиб разместил их в городах Булгаре, Бандже, Биляре, а также Яєа Самаре, расположенном на берегу р. Кинель (1; 98), где стали продавать свои товары булгарским купцам, а также покупать нужные им товары у них же. Булгарские купцы богатели за счет этой посреднической торговли (1; 102).

Летом 965 г. князь Святослав осадил г. Хин (Саркел). На судах по Днепру он спустился к Черному морю, а затем по Черному, Азовскому морям добрался до устья Дона и по Дону подплыл к Хину. В городе-крепости жителей не было, остался лишь усиленный дополнительным контингентом хазарский гарнизон. Византийцы помогли князю Святославу стенобитной техникой и воинами. Когда византийские воины пробили стены города в 2-3 местах, скандинавы и новгородцы Святослава ворвались в город и устроили резню. После взятия г. Хина князь Святослав послал гонцов к Талибу, чтобы сказать о том, что он сам, без помощи Талиба, завоюет Хазарию. Талиб обещал не вмешиваться, но стал осуществлять многоходовую хитрую комбинацию. Воспользовавшись тем, что основные силы хазар были направлены на запад, чтобы отбить г. Хин, булгары подошли к столице Хазарии г. Итилю. Булгарские войска быстро разбили тюркмен, защищавших подступы к столице. Сардар курсыбая Кукча от имени царя и везира обратился к жителям г. Итиля с призывом переселиться на территорию Булгарии, так как скоро князь Святослав возьмет их город и устроит такую же резню, как и в г. Хине. Большинство богатых горожан согласилось и под охраной булгарского курсыбая отправилось со всем своим имуществом на север. Переселенцев расселили в Бандже и Биляре. В г. Биляре один из посадов стал называться Итиль (1; 98).

Попытки хазар отбить г. Хин не увенчались успехом. На сторону князя Святослава перешли кашэки (исторические предки адыгов) и сакланы (северокавказское племя). С их помощью князь Святослав разбил хазар и двинулся к Бехташу (Переволока, самое узкое пространство между Волгой и Доном). Когда войска князя Святослава стали перевозить суда из Дона в Волгу, получили известие о том, что бурджане (дагестанцы) захватили г. Хин. Князю Святославу срочно пришлось вернуться и вторично штурмом брать г. Хин.

Пока брали г. Хин наступила зима. Князю Святославу со своими войсками пришлось зазимовать. Его войско осталось без продовольствия. Пришлось обратиться за помощью к византийским купцам, жившим в г. Дима-Тархане (вариант: Тамья-Тархан; г. Тмутаракань).

Летом 966 г. князь Святослав прорвался к г. Итилю. При его подходе оставшиеся жители покинули город. Там остался лишь небольшой гарнизон, который весьма неосмотрительно сдался. Князь Святослав "не найдя в городе никакой добычи, пришел в неописуемую ярость и перерезал всех пленных" (1; 99). Было от чего придти в ярость! Ради военной добычи был предпринят далекий и опасный поход, а два богатейших города (Хин и Итиль) оказались пустыми. У князя Святослава оказался огромный долг: воинам скандинавам и новгородцам надо было платить, византийским купцам за продовольствие надо платить. Кроме того, Itil Булгарии нужно было выплатить "джирскую дань" за уступку городов Джир (Ростов), Кан (Муром) с прилегающими территориями. Платить было нечем: в Хазарии князю Святославу "почти ничего не досталось" (1; 99).

Князь Святослав решил поправить дело, совершив нападение на бурджан, т.е. на северокавказские народы. На кораблях он отправился из Итиля к городу Самандару с 20 тысячами воинов. Остальных 30 тысяч Святослав направил против буртасов и батышцев (вятичей).

Город Самандар был разграблен и до основания разрушен. Кроме того, разгромили еще шесть городов. После этого войска князя Святослава решили направиться в обратный путь.

Тем временем везир Талиб сделал очередной ход в своей игре со Святославом. По его указанию курсыбай занял г. Джир (Ростов). Сардар Кукча применил тот же прием, что и по отношению к жителям Хина и Итиля, а именно: он предложил состоятельным хозяевам Джира переселиться в Булгар. Когда князь Святослав узнал обо всем этом, он начал упрекать послов Талиба в не соблюдении булгарами своих обещаний. На это послы сказали о том, что именно Святослав не сдержал своего слова: за передачу булгарами Джира и Кана с прилегающими территориями князь обещал выплачивать "джирскую дань", а не выплатил. Поэтому булгары и взяли обратно Джир. Оказалось, что князь Святослав забыл о своем обещании уплачивать эту дань, да и платить было нечем. Добыча, взятая князем при разграблении северокавказских городов, пошла в уплату византийским купцам за продовольствие (1; 99). Однако ее не хватило, чтобы рассчитаться полностью с византийцами. Воспользовавшись затруднениями князя, византийский император предложил Святославу дополнительные деньги в обмен на его участие в совместном походе против Дунайской Болгарии (волжские булгары ее называли Улак-Булгар). Князь Святослав согласился. Полученные от византийцев деньги он истратил для уплаты "джирской дани" и получил обратно Джир и Кан.

В 969 г. игра Талиба со Святославом вступила в завершающую фазу. К тому времени стало ясно, что князь Святослав погряз в войне с дунайскими болгарами. Воспользовавшись этим обстоятельством, Талиб ввел в Хазарию курсыбай, а также войска тюркменского хана Микаиля, союзника булгар.

Территория бывшего Хазарского каганата была расчленена на две части: одна часть отошла булгарам, другая - сакланам, т.е. северокавказским племенам. Сакланам отошли южные земли Хазарии, примыкавшие к Кавказским горам (1; 100). Эту территорию волжские булгары стали именовать Сакланом.

Теперь булгарская граница на юге и юго-западе проходила так. Граница между Itil Булгарией и Сакланом прошла по рекам Сал и Кум. На юго-западе и западе булгарская граница тянулась по рекам Ширу (Дону) и Купер-Кубару (река Хопер), а затем по реке Борын-Инешу (река Воронеж). Город Хин (Саркел, Белая Вежа) с прилегающей территорией был выделен в самостоятельный округ, управляемый вали. Вали назначался булгарским царем.

Территория Хазарии от Саратау (совр. Саратов) до устьев Идели (Волги), Джаика (Урала) и Умбета отошла также Itil Булгарии. Она была включена в состав губернии Мардан-Беллак в качестве округа под названием Саксин. "Центром Саксина был Саксин-Болгар" (1; 100).

Таким образом, благодаря усилиям везира Талиба к концу 60-х годов X в. Волжская Булгария превратилась в огромную державу. Ее владения простирались от Ледовитого океана на севере до Каспийского моря на юге, от реки Урал на юго-востоке до реки Воронеж на западе. Победа над Хазарским каганатом была закреплена не только присоединением ее территории, но и переименованием ее столицы: прежний город Итиль был переименован в г. Кайтуба.

В 976 г. кан Мохаммед умер. На царский трон был посажен Талиб. Став царем, Талиб запретил иностранным купцам проезжать через территорию Itil Булгарии и торговать друг с другом в ее пределах (1; 102). Тем самым он вынудил иноземных купцов продавать свои товары только булгарским купцам и покупать нужные им привозные товары у булгар.

Царь Талиб закрыл северные провинции Itil Булгарии для иностранцев. Исключение было сделано только скандинавам. Они покупали разрешение на проезд через эти районы.

Талиб ввел практику брать у русских князей в заложники их детей, чтобы заставить не задерживать выплату джирской дани (за передачу Ростовской земли русским).

Своим преемникам царь Талиб завещал: "Главное - что вы должны делать - это не менять сложившихся традицией идей, не изнурять народ новыми налогами и поддерживать власть Булгара над всеми дорогами из стран неверных в государства ислама" (1; 102).

В период правления Талиба торговые пути, идущие через Поволжье с севера на юг и с востока на запад оказались в руках Itil Булгарии. Это сыграло решающую роль в превращении Булгарии в процветающую страну.

3. Царствование Тимара (981-1004 гг.)

В 981 г. царь Талиб умер. На царский трон был поднят сын покойного царя Мохаммеда Тимар, живший до этого в Нур-Суваре. Его поддержали крупные феодалы-казанчии и печенеги. Придя к власти Тимар, стал вводить новшества. Прежде всего он велел перевести всех булгар-язычников в разряд государственных крестьян-язычников, обязанных платить повышенные налоги или в пользу казны, или на содержание царского дома. До этого они были субашами - привилегированными государственными крестьянами. В результате этих преобразований социальный статус булгар-язычников сильно понизился. Это вызвало недовольство в их среде. Особенно крупные волнения были в провинции Кашан, где язычники составляли большинство населения. Дело усугубилось тем, что сардар курсыбая Кукча одновременно был губернатором Кашана. Чтобы ослабить влияние Кукчи, царь Тимар предпринял следующие шаги. Во-первых, он объявил Кашан внутренней провинцией Булгарии. Это означало, что ее губернатор стал непосредственно подчиняться царю. На этом основании Тимар снял Кукчу с губернаторской должности, оставив его лишь сардаром. Во-вторых, он удалил курсыбай из Булгарии, отправив его воевать совместно с северокавказскими печенегами против Киевской Руси, так как русский князь отказался выплачивать джирскую дань.

Вскоре после этого Тимар объявил и Мардан-Беллак внутренней провинцией, выделив из нее провинцию Саксин. Это ему нужно было для того, чтобы снять с поста губернатора своего младшего брата Ибрагима и тем самым ослабить его. Тимар назначил Ибрагима управляющим небольшого Актюбинского округа Саксина.

Недовольство политикой Тимара приняло такие масштабы, что булгары-язычники большими группами стали уходить на Арсу (первоначальное название р. Казанки). Растущим недовольством решил воспользоваться Ибрагим. Он тайно установил контакт с киевским князем Владимиром и сардаром курсыбая Кукчой. Владимиру Ибрагим обещал остановить нападения печенегов на Русь. С отрядами тюркменов и курсыбаем Кукчи Ибрагим прошел через Буртас и занял Биляр. Затем он направился к г.Булгару. Туда приплыл на судах князь Владимир с войском и разграбил пригороды. Узнав об этом, сардар курсыбая Кукча не одобрил союз Ибрагима с Владимиром. Он атаковал войска князя Владимира и загнал их на корабли. При этом Владимир потерял 10 тысяч убитыми, а 8 тысяч его воинов попали в плен (1; 103).

Царь Тимар вступил в переговоры с Кукчой и Владимиром. Кукча потребовал для Ибрагима должность губернатора Байтюбы, а Кашан для себя. Князь Владимир просил выдать ему пленных в обмен на утроение "джирской дани" и открытие беспошлинного Янтарного пути в Прибалтику (Артан). Царь согласился с предложенными условиями.

Чтобы прочнее скрепить достигнутые соглашения, Тимар выдал свою дочь за Владимира. Свадьба состоялась в г.Булгаре. После этого Владимир отплыл на Русь. На следующий год Тимар направил в Киев 7 мусульманских проповедников во главе с Кул-Мохаммедом. Они обратили в ислам некоторых барынских и каубуйских князей, построили мечети в Киеве, Чернигове (Караджар), Полтаве (Батавыл), Путивле (Хорысдан), Курске (Хурса).

В 988 году князь Владимир внезапно напал на Крым. Византийский император предложил Владимиру много золота и серебра в обмен на Крым (Джалда) и принятие христианства. Князь согласился. Узнав об этом, Тимар послал к нему своих послов. Несколько лет шли переговоры относительно уплаты "джирской дани".

В 991 году князь Владимир направил войска для захвата Хина (Саркел). После того, как новый сардар курсыбая Сал-Сал разгромил эти войска, Владимир возобновил выплату "джирской дани".

В 995 году князь Владимир предпринял попытку открыть иной путь в страны Востока через Дима-Тархан (г.Тмутаракань). Тимар послал Сал-Сала с курсыбаем. Владимир выступил навстречу, но его войска были разбиты у г.Васыла. Сам он спасся, спрятавшись под мостом (1; 104). Эта война продолжалась до 1006 г. В 1006 году русское войско численностью 40 тысяч человек было уничтожено у станции Тангра-Майдан. После этого князь Владимир согласился на следующие условия заключения мира.

Во-первых, не налаживать путь к Дима-Тархану (г.Тмутаракань).

Во-вторых, возобновить выплату "джирской дани".

В-третьих, открыть Артанский путь в Прибалтику через Новгород.

В-четвертых, разрешить булгарским купцам беспошлинно торговать в Джире - Ростове и Галидже - Великом Новгороде.

В-пятых, отдать булгарам в качестве заложника сына своего воеводы.

В начале XI в. недовольство политикой Тимара приняло угрожающий характер. В 1004 году умер первый сардар курсыбая Кукча. К тому времени он был губернатором Кашана, а его брат Сал-Сал сардаром. После смерти Кукчи губернатором Кашана стал сын Сал-Сала Васыл. Воспользовавшись тем, что в 1004 г. Сал-Сал с курсыбаем был на Севере, Тимар вызвал Васыла в г.Булгар, арестовал и велел заковать в цепи. На его место назначил своего ставленника из числа крупных феодалов-казанчиев. Когда отряд казанчиев прибыл в Кашан, его встретили субаши, т.е. крестьяне-мусульмане во главе с дочерью Сал-Сала и не пустили в г. Кашан. Вскоре вернулся Сал-Сал с курсыбаем. Кашанцы провозгласили его губернатором. Тимар не признал его. Это усугубило положение царя. Возмущение его действиями охватило и другие провинции. Этим воспользовался брат Тимара Масгут, бывший губернатором провинции Мардан-Беллак. С отрядом марданцев Масгут направился к г. Булгару. Ополчение феодалов-казанчиев в столице в тот момент отсутствовало. Тимар послал его против билярцев, изгнавших из города губернатора-казанчия. Царь в столице был с небольшой дружиной. Он укрылся в цитадели "Мумин". Масгут предложил брату мирно оставить трон и отправиться жить в г. Нур-Сувар. Тимар согласился Однако, когда он выехал из ворот, стрела, выпущенная одним из беллакских воинов, убила Тимара наповал (1; 107). Это произошло в 1004 году.


Вторая половина Х в. в истори Itil Булгарии была ознаменована крупными судьбоносными событиями.

Во-первых, Волжская Булгария не только освободилась от зависимости Хазарии, но и присоединила ее владения к своим.

Во-вторых, Волжская Булгария взяла под свой контроль все торговые пути, проходящие через Поволжье с севера на юг и с востока на запад.

В-третьих, булгарские купцы стали монополистами в торговле иностранными товарами на территории Itil Булгарии и единственными посредниками в торговле между иностранными купцами в ее пределах.

В-четвертых, на огромных просторах от р.Обь на востоке до Карпатских гор на западе не было силы, способной противостоять военной и экономической мощи Itil Булгарии.


1. Бахши Иман. Джагфар тарихы. Т.1. Свод булгарских летописей. 1680 - Оренбург, 1993 г.

2. Сахаров А.Н. Дипломатия Святослава. - М., 1991.

3. Рамбо А. Живописная история древней и новой России. - М., 1994.

Словарь терминов

1. Ак дингез - Белое море.

2. Артан - Прибалтика.

3. Баджанаки - печенеги.

4. Байгул-су - река Обь.

5. Байтюба - булгарская провинция с центром в г.Биляре.

6. Балын - г.Суздаль, Северо-Восточная Русь.

7. Балынцы - руссы.

8. Батышцы - вятичи, возникли в результате смешения мурдасов со скандинавским племенем худ.

9. Булымер - г.Владимир.

10. Галидж - г.Великий Новгород.

11. Галиджийцы - новгородцы.

12. Джир - г.Ростов, "Ростовская земля".

13. Дима-Тархан - г.Тмутаракань.

14. Иль - провинция, губерния.

15. Кан - г.Муром.

16. Кисан - г.Рязань.

17. Кортджак - часть северо-восточной Руси, расположенной на территории современных Московской, Владимирской и Ивановской областей России.

18. Купер-Кубар - река Хопер.

19. Курсыбай - постоянное булгарское войско.

20. Саклан - Скифская степь, территория Предкавказья.


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3.3. Miftahov
Course of lectures on a history of Tatar people
1. Rule of Kan Mohammed.
2. Transformation Itil Bulgaria in great prospering power.
3. Reign Timara.
Second half X centuries in a history Itil Bulgaria appeared reemblemable in many respects. First, large feudal lords - kazanchies have strengthened pressing governors, compelling them to transfer{translate} the state peasants in the category dependent from feudal lords. It considerably strengthened intensity in the country between large feudal lords and podatnym estate. Second, the device of officials sharply increased. On them the maintenance{contents} the big means were necessary. Thirdly, Itil Bulgaria achieved large successes in foreign policy and expanded the limits.
The purpose of this lecture - finding-out of circumstances, when, under what conditions and how transition from decline of power of the state Itil Bulgar by the period of his{its} prosperity and power was made.
1. rule of KAN Mohammed (943-976)
Falling of morals among representatives of a ruling clique, frustration of a control system by state affairs is connected to names of two governors, namely: Yalkau Mikailja and Mohammed.
When in 943 year the active participant of all national amusements and entertainments Kan Mikail nicknamed in people " Yalkau Mikail " (" Lazy Mikail ") on a throne raised his son Mohammed died. From the father it{he} inherited bent for to various joys: to hunting, garemnym to pleasures, junkets, etc. (1; 82). Even djieny Mohammed transformed into pleasure trips. To not cause anger of the viziera and simultaneously the chapter{head} of Moslems Itil Bulgaria seid Nasyra (son Ahmed ibn-Fadlana), it{he} went round villages of pagans and there was betraid to various joys. Large feudal lords - kazanchies in every possible way encouraged dissoluteness of Kan as it distracted it{him} from government. Feudal lords got the increasing independence. To please him{it} Kan Mohammed removed{ took off} of them all taxes, having shifted them on subashes, i.e. on the state peasants - moslems. However it not resulted in essential updating treasury, and only displeased peasants. As on pleasure actions money Kan undertook convulsive attempts to fill up treasury were necessary. To beat out all new taxes, it{he} sharply increased the device of officials and raised{increased} twice the size of a tribute from an il's Mardan-Bellak province. Due to these means Kan decided to raise{increase} the salary bahadiram, i.e. slujilym to feudal lords - knights. Such behaviour and Mohammed's such policy{politics} have resulted in rather fatal consequences.
First, among the population of the country began fermentation{unrest}. Devout Moslems began to complain with the behaviour of Kan discrediting a name of a moslem.
Second, officials, using absence of the appropriate control over their activity, began to oppress strongly farmers and handicraftsmen. First they plundered the population of boundary areas, and then were accepted to the inhabitants Baitubaoj of a province. In result began mass outflow of the population to the north from Kama.
Thirdly, when to the governor of a Mardan-Bellak province was not possible to achiese decrease{reduction} of taxes, it{he} collected from the population taxes in the double size and handed over in treasury. However in otmestku ordered to open roads through Mardan-Bellak to Inner Bulgaria. In result groups Turkmen began to ruin, plunder cities and villages Itil Bulgaria. War ", continued 15 years began so-called " Turkmen. Aspiration Turkmen to grasp the lands Bulgar spoke the following circumstance.
Turkmeny kuk-oguzy lived in area called "Maine - Kyshlak" - modern peninsula Mangyshlak. Once it is blossoming and populous edge{territory} (1; 45). Not casually it{him} have nicknamed " One thousand settlements ". However change of a channel of the river Binedje resulted in a drought. Began famine. Besides kuk-oguzov began to oppress oguzy-sarytekentsy. Under pressure of famine and sarytekentsev kuk-oguzy sent to the north.
Kuk-oguzy " were the most beautiful tribe from tjurok, and many of them had, is similar Sindians am, high growth, hair of golden color and blue eyes " (1; 46). kuk-oguzy explained it to that in an antiquity their ancestors have followed for Sindians ami to Mesopotamia. Here in territory of Sumer, and also big Ruma (the Asian part present Turkey) they mixed up with Sindians ami. To Central Asia kuk-oguzy the profit with army Alexander the Great in the beginning of IV century up to. AD.
Fourthly, governors of separate ilej-provinces began to show rebelliousness in relation to the central authority. So, for example, ulugbek Bilyar Bul (it{he} Is white and Nuretdin) was forwarded with the big group subashi dissatisfied with excessive requisitions on right, i.e. northern bank of Kama, overthrown the aged governor of Kashan Djakyn-Mikailja and itself became the governor. In the beginning vizier Nasyr did not want to ratify Bula in a post of the governor of Kashan, however, when that paid a tribute twice exceeding former, agreed.
Kan Mohammed and it{him} vizier Nasyr every year lost the control over a situation in iljah-provinces. New governor Bajtjuby Bahta had no in a province of any real authority, feudal lords - kazanchies there managed. The governor was afraid to leave a citadel of the city of Bilyar. At the same time the governor of Kashan Bul received the right to appoint the tudjunov for supervision of reliability Ügur-Tarkhanov provinces Bij-su, Ur and Bajgul. Tudjuny are officials under special assignments{orders}.Ügur-Tarkhan is a title of leaders of northern peoples which governors hunn gave them of princedom Bulyar in 1-st century of our era. Brother Bula Djilki annually during certain time went round the specified provinces (Bij-su, Ur and Bajgul), took away the collected tribute, made new purposes{assignments}, checked work appointed Bulom tudjunov.
Under order Bula in these provinces built new fortresses. So the center of a province of Ur, for example, was constructed. Kargadan (or Karga) where gathered Ügur-Tarkhans northern peoples for transfer of " a gift tribute ", receptions of purposes{assignments}, reports, and Ügur-Tarkhans peoples living lengthways r. Mosha (Sukhona) and Undji, gathered in a fortress Gusman - Katau on the river Djuk-su (present The south) (1; 90).
Thus, in second half 40th years of the 10th century the governor Itil Bulgaria Mohammed let out{ released} from the hands the most profitable means of updating of the state treasury - gathering of a tribute from northern peoples. Now the most valuable furs, honey, wax were focused in hands of the governor of Kashan which became the richest person in the state. He tidied up in the hands also trade with Scandinavia. The Scandinavian merchants arriving in Itil Bulgar iju through Arctic Ocean (Chulman dingeze) and on river Bij-su (Pechera), it{he} accepted in Kashan, gave out to them the sanction to trade to territories of power and took of them the duty. Into second half X century in procedure of mutual commodity circulation have entered one innovation: Scandinavian and Bulgar skie merchants before returning from trips " left each other hostages. However, before punishment of hostages never doshchlo " (1; 90).
During rule of Kan Mohammed was entered so-called " otkupnoj the tax ". As it was already told, in searches of new kinds of amusements Kan went on the country. As a rule, it{he} travelled with two-thousand group of feudal lords - kazanchies. The inhabitants of some districts who were not desiring arrival of Kan , paid " otkupnoj the tax ". However Mohammed was frequently sent in already paying off districts (1; 92).
Kan Mohammed managed to bring in confusion and to monetary business. In 947 year it{he} appointed the son svergnutogo kashan governor Gabdullu the ulugbekom-governor of. Bulgar a also appropriated{given} to it{him} a personal title Emir. Soon after that Gabdulla as the governor of the capital and emir started to mint coins with the name. With envy seid and vizier Nasyr ordered to mint to the protege to governor Nur-Suvara coins with the name. So coins with names of two governors - Gabdully (governor Bulgar a) and the Talib (governor Nur-Suvara) (1 have appeared; 89).
In 976 year Kan Mohammed died. The result of his{its} activity was sad: state affairs came in decline, social contradictions have amplified, moral principles of a society were loosened, the country was on the verge of a partition.
Really: the country was on the verge of accident. Especially heavy position developed in the west and the east the countries. In 40th years X of century in the western possession Itil Bulgaria created a new province - Martubaa. The center became fortress Zjuja-Deber (on present r. Sviyaga, probably, in area present Villages Deushevo). The first governor had been appointed merchant Mar from sort Burdyan-Mar. Merchant Mar was the descendant of that of Mar under which leadership Dagestan Bulgars came to the Middle Itil region. Governor Martuba began to collect a double tribute from moslems, and from all nemusulman the threefold tax, therefore the population began to escape from these edges{territories}.
The state of affairs in the east was even worse. The territory of province Tamta was ruined Turkmensi half, and in Baituba province the fourth part of the lands (1 escaped only; 92).
As we see, the situation in the country developed critical. The output{exit} from it{her} is connected to activity of Talib Mumina.
Backland of his{its} ascention to authority. The talib - the younger son of the late Kan Gazan, the grandson of Kan Almysh. Kan Mohammed declared his{its} adopted son.
At the end of 40th years of the 10th century, the governor Bajtjuby Aksak-Ahmed invited Kan Mohammed in Bilyar On the approach to city an royal caravan was suddenly attacked by group Turkmen. Kan Mohammed remained is alive due to courage of the Talib taking place at it{him} (1; 94). Kan strongly become angry on Aksak-Ahmed and removed{ took off} it{him} from a post. By governor Bajtjuby the Talib was appointed. Becoming{beginning} the governor and having received a title Emir, the Talib began to operate.
Creation by the Talib of regular army. The talib addressed to the governor of Kashan Kukche, son Bula, with the request to lend money. For it the Talib promised Kukche to support his{its} claims for rule in Kashan. Kukcha allocated means. On this money the Talib created 6-thousand army. The set of soldiers was carried out with the following provisions.
First, the service was a constant. In the spring of each year interested persons could leave{abandon} service.
Second, the salaries was paid to soldiers on a regular basis and high.
Thirdly, three quarters of extraction there was to soldiers and only an one fourth part - to the Talib.
Many country facilities{economy} were ruined Turkmensi or came in decline because of high taxes. Everywhere in province poverty and famine reigned. In these conditions wishing to act{arrive} in army for the high salaries and the big share of military extraction was much. 100-200 interested persons applied for one place of the soldier. The first soldiers became peasants of aul Kursybai, therefore the name of this village was assigned by a standing army created by the Talib. So, kursybai is a regular army which soldiers received the salaries and the certain part of military extraction for service.
The commander kursybai carried a title sardara. Sardaru submitted kartamany, i.e. tysjachniki. Them in kursybae was 6 person. Kartamanam submitted kortbashy - sotniki. Kortbasham submitted unbashi - desjatniki. So, the command structure kursybaia consisten of the following grades: sardar-kartamany-kortbashy-unbashy.
On a battlefield kursybai it was built in three lines.
The first line. Her{it} occupied barandjary. It were the best soldiers. Them was one thousand person. They received the salaries twice more, than soldiers of the third, i.e. last line.
The second line. She{it} was occupied with 2 thousand skilled soldiers, on age is a little bit more senior, than soldiers of the first line. they were called "bashkortami". They received the salaries twice more, than soldiers of the third line.
The third line. She{it} was occupied with the youngest soldiers. they were called "kjuchekami", i.e. "puppies". Them was 3 thousand (1; 95).
Thus, in battle the army of the governor of the Talib was under construction as a wedge: the forward end inverted to the opponent, was narrowed, and opposite all became wider and wider.
On a measure of accumulation of experience and display of bravery, stability{resistance} of soldiers translated from one line in another. Their salaries thus raised.
The first commander kursybaia, i.e. sardarom Kukcha Amir (1 was; 95).
The first large success to kursybaiu come in 959 year. Near to new Bilyar fortresses Kylgan kursybai destroyed army Turkmen khans SHonkara and Lachyna. Brothers were took in a captivity. Him{it} have chopped off both hands and have released{have let off} to the main khan Turkmen Arslanu. That became furious and was directed by. Bilyaru. However sardar kursybaia Kukcha Amir intercepted it{him}. Sardar sent to khan Arslanu of one pechenega (badyanaka) under a kind of the deserter. And this "deserter" resulted Turkmen in one unfinished Baitubaoj fortresses. There tents were put to create impression of presence here Bulgarian army. At this time kursybai surrounded army of khan Arslana. From 60 thousand soldiers Arslana flight rescued only 2-3 thousand. Khan Arslana have caught a lasso and have brought to sardaru to Kukcha Amir. Khan began to ask for mercy. It sardar answered: " You and your younger brothers completely sojgli 80 auls, not considering hundreds victims in part, and I are glad, that for each of them paid off tysjachju lives of your robbers. And for Kurdjun-Samar and killed in it{him} Balusa I shall pay off your head " (1; 96). After these words it{he} of tears from a horse and a compartment to khan Arslanu a head.
Thanking kursybaiu it was possible to prevent capture Turkmensi territories of Baituba province. So war " ended 15-years " Turkmen.
Foreign policy viziera the Talib. In 960 year Kan Mohammed appointed the Talib vizierom. Taking into account Mohammed's character and an image of his{its} life, it is uneasy to understand, that the Talib quickly concentrated all completeness of authority in the hands. First of all it{he} transferred{translated} all Bulgar -farmers, irrespective of a religious accessory{belonging} in the category subashes or chirmyshes, i.e. in the category of exclusive state farmers - moslems. In other words, returned to the legislation of Kan Almysh. Besides the Talib managed to bridle officials.
Presence of well trained standing army, the calmed down farmers and the put in order device of officials created a basis for carrying out of active foreign policy.
The overall objective of foreign policy viziera the Talib was to be released{exempted} from dependence of Khazaria and to attach primordially Bulgar skie territories to Bulgar u (1; 96). There was an essential obstacle.
Prince Svyatoslav (Bulgars named it{him} Barysom) collected 20 thousand Scandinavians and 50 thousand russov and decided to break Bulgar iju and Khazaria (1; 96). In 964 year it{he} flattered at Bulgar . Djir (present Rostov), and then Kan (variants: Kan-Kerman, Kan-Mardan, present Murom). These cities deputies Kan Mohammed Syp-Gusman and Sain at that time operated. They come running to the Bulgar also expected severe punishment from viziera as counted itself guilty that could not defend Djir and Kan. However vizier the Talib judged differently. He ordered to them to go to Prince Svyatoslavu with the offer on a joint campaign against Khazaria. For it vizier the Talib suggested to transfer Svyatoslavu Djir (Rostov), Kan (Murom) and western part Kortdjaka (territory of modern Moscow, Vladimir and Ivanovo areas). Having heard it, Svyatoslav not believed the ears and personally arrived to. Bulgar behind acknowledgement{confirmation} of this offer.
Negotiations of Prince Svyatoslav and viziera passed the Talib on island "Beer" opposite to. Bulgar a. The talib confirmed earlier made offer: Bulgar will concede Svyatoslavu Djir, Kan and Western Kortdjak if that will satisfy two conditions. First, if will take part in a campaign against Khazaria. Second, if will pay an annual tribute at a rate of a tribute with Djira, so-called " djir a tribute ".
Prince Svyatoslav suggested to agree and upon section of Khazaria. However under the offer of the Talib this question have postponed before capture of territory of Khazaria. On these conditions the arrangement was achieved. At parting Prince Svyatoslav promised to attack on Hin (Hin-Kerman, Sarkel, White Veja).
On a return way from. Bulgar a Prince Svyatoslav subdued vjatichej (Bulgars they were called batyshtsami).
The agreement with Svyatoslavom enabled Bulgar am to make an attack to Khazaria. However there was a new obstacle. Aksakaly provinces have solved Mardan-Bellak, that the victory over Khazaria will strengthen authority Kana, and it will create threat to liberties Mardan-Bellak. Therefore they were against war with Khazaria. vizier the Talib solved this problem as follows. He promised aksakalam Mardan-Bellak to transfer this province all lands of Khazaria, except for Cinchona (Sarkel on Don). It meant, that the Talib did not gather to share at all with Svyatoslavom territory of Khazaria. He stated the intentions sardaru to Kukche Amir in the following words: " Khazaria not marsh hummocks Kortdjaka, Djira and Kan. The capture of Khazaria will make Bulgar the mightiest power for will put under our authority all ways from the countries infidels in the countries of the East. And to share this power with somebody would be the present madness " (1; 97).
Further vizier the Talib sent to Turkmens the person, and that agreed with khan Mikailem that it{he} with 12 thousand soldiers will attack capital of Khazaria. Itil. In the winter khan Mikail and made 965 years. The commander-in-chief Khazar army Kubar was compelled to throw to capital almost all forces. Having took advantage of it, sardar with the kursybai approached to. Cinchona also informed his{its} inhabitants that the city will be soon attacked by Prince russov. City dwellers, naslyshannye about slaughter russami vjatichej, have decided to leave Hin. The talib placed them in the cities of Bulgar e, Bandje, Bilyare, and also Ya¾a to Samara, located on bank r. Kinel (1; 98) where began to sell the goods Bulgar skim to merchants and also to buy the goods necessary to them of them. Bulgar skie merchants grew rich due to this intermediary trade (1; 102).
In the summer of 965 Prince Svyatoslav besieged{halted}. Hin (Sarkel). on boats across Dnepr it{he} went down to Black sea, and then on the Black, Azov seas reached a mouth of Don and across Don sailed to Cinchona. In a city - fortress of inhabitants was not, remained only amplified{strengthened} an additional contingent Khazar garrison. Byzantines have helped Prince Svyatoslavu stenobitnoj technics{technical equipment} and soldiers. When the Byzantian soldiers have punched walls of city in 2-3 places, Scandinavians and Novgorodians Svyatoslav have rushed into city and have arranged slaughter. After a capture of. Cinchona Prince Svyatoslav sent gontsov to the Talib to tell that it{he}, without the help of the Talib, will win Khazaria. The talib promised to not interfere, but began to carry out a multirunning artful combination. Having took advantage of that the basic forces Khazar were directed to the west to beat off. Hin, Bulgars came to capital of Khazaria. Itilju. Bulgar skie army have quickly broken Turkmen, protecting approaches to capital. Sardar kursybaia Kukcha on behalf of Kan and viziera addressed to the inhabitants of. Itilja with an appeal to move on territory Bulgar ii as soon Prince Svyatoslav will take their city and will arrange the same slaughter, as well as to the To cinchona. The majority of the rich townspeople agreed and under protection Bulgarian kursybaia went with all property to the north. Immigrants have settled in Bandje and Bilyare. to the Bilyare one of suburbs began to be called Itil (1; 98).
Attempts Khazar to beat off. Hin have not crowned success. On the side of Prince Svyatoslav went kasheki (historical ancestors adygov) and saklany (a North Caucasian tribe). With their help Prince Svyatoslav defeated Khazar and moved to Behtashu (Perevoloka, the narrowest space between Itil and Don). When army of Prince Svyatoslav began to transport court from Don to Itil, have received news that Burdjans (dagestantsy) have seized. Hin. Prince Svyatoslavu urgently had to return and again storm to take. Hin.
While took. Hin there come{stepped} winter. Prince Svyatoslavu with the army had to winter. His{its} army remained without the foodstuffs. had to address for the help to the Byzantian merchants living to the Dima-Tarhane (variant: Tamja-Tarhan;. TmutaraKan).
In the summer of 966 Prince Svyatoslav defeated by. Itilju. At his{its} approach the staying inhabitants left{abandoned} city. There there was only small garrison which rather imprudently surrendered. Prince Svyatoslav " not najdja in city of any extraction, come to indescribable fury and cut all captured " (1; 99). Was from what to come in fury! For the sake of military extraction the far and dangerous campaign, and two richest cities (Hin were undertook and Itil) appeared empty. Prince Svyatoslav had a huge duty: soldiers to Scandinavians and Novgorodians should pay, the Byzantian merchants should pay for the foodstuffs. Besides Itil Bulgaria had to pay " djir a tribute " for a concession of the cities of Djir (Rostov), Kan (Murom) with adjoining territories. There was nothing to pay: in Khazaria to Prince Svyatoslavu " almost fell nothing " (1; 99).
Prince Svyatoslav decided to rule business, having made an attack on Burdjan, i.e. on North Caucasian peoples. By the ships it{he} went from Itilja to the city of Samandaru with 20 thousand soldiers. Other 30 thousand Svyatoslav directed against burtasov and batyshtsev (vjatichej).
The city of Samandar was plundered and up to the basis is destroyed. Besides have crushed six more cities. After that army of Prince Svyatoslav have decided to be directed to a way back.
In the meantime vizier the Talib made the next course in the game with Svyatoslavom. Under his{its} instruction{indication} kursybai occupied. Djir (Rostov). Sardar Kukcha applied the same reception, as in relation to the inhabitants Cinchona and Itilja, namely: it{he} suggested solvent owners Djira to move in Bulgar . When Prince Svyatoslav learned{ found out} about all it, it{he} started to reproach ambassadors of the Talib in not obseof the moatnce Bulgar ami the promises. On it ambassadors have told what Svyatoslav not constrained the word: Bulgar ami Djira and Kan with adjoining territories Prince promised to pay for transfer " djir a tribute ", instead of paid. Therefore Bulgars also took back Djir. Appeared, that Prince Svyatoslav overlooked about promise to pay this tribute, and there was nothing to pay. The extraction took by Prince at plunder of North Caucasian cities, went in payment to the Byzantian merchants for the foodstuffs (1; 99). However she{it} not sufficed to pay off completely with byzantines. Having took advantage of difficulties of prince, the Byzantian emperor offered Svyatoslavu additional money in exchange for his{its} participation in a joint campaign against the Danube Bulgar ia (Itil Bulgarias her{it} named Ulak-Bulgar ). Prince Svyatoslav agreed. He spent the money received from byzantines for payment " djir a tribute " and received back Djir and Kan.
In 969 game of the Talib with Svyatoslavom entered finishing pe. By then it became clear, that Prince Svyatoslav pogrjaz in war with Danube bolgarami. Having took advantage of this circumstance, the Talib entered into Khazaria kursybai, and also army Turkmen khan Mikailja, the ally Bulgar .
The territory former Khazar kaganata was dismembered on two parts: one part departed Bulgar am, another - saklanam, i.e. to North Caucasian tribes. Saklanm the southern lands of Khazaria contiguous to the Caucasian mountains (1 have departed; 100). This territory Itil Bulgarias began to call Saklanom.
Now Bulgar the border in the south and a southwest passed so. The border between Itil Bulgaria iej and Saklanom passed on the rivers Sal and Kum. In a southwest and the west Bulgar the border lasted on the rivers Shiru (Don) and Cooper - Kubar (river Khoper), and then on the river Boryn-Ineshu (river Voronej). The city of Hin (Sarkel, White Veja) with adjoining territory was allocated into the independent district, controlled bring down. Bring down it was appointed Bulgar skim Kan .
Territory of Khazaria from Saratau (present Saratov) up to ustjev Ideli (Itil), Djaika (Ural) and Umbeta departed also Itil Bulgaria. She{it} was included in structure of Mardan-Bellak province as district called Saksin. " Center Saksina was Saksin-Bolgar " (1; 100).
Thus, due to efforts viziera the Talib by the end of 60th years X of century Itil Bulgaria turned to huge power. Its{her} possession reached from ocean Ledovitogo in the north up to Caspian sea in the south, from the river Ural in a southeast up to the river Voronej in the west. The victory above Khazarskim kaganatom was fixed not only connection of its{her} territory, but also renaming of its{her} capital: the former city of Itil was renamed into. Kajtuba.
In 976 Kan Mohammed died. to the royal throne the Talib was planted{put}. Becoming{beginning} Kan , the Talib forbidden to foreign merchants to pass through territory Itil Bulgaria and to trade with each other in its{her} limits (1; 102). Thus it{he} compelled overseas merchants to sell the goods only Bulgar skim to merchants and to buy the imported goods necessary to them at Bulgar .
Kan the Talib closed northern provinces Itil Bulgaria for foreigners. Exception was made only to Scandinavians. They bought the sanction to travel through these areas.
The talib entered practice to take from the Ruses princes in hostages of their children, to force to not detain payment djir a tribute (for transfer of the Rostov land by Rus).
Kan the Talib bequeathed to the successors: " - that you should do{make} the Main thing is to not change ideas developed by tradition, to not exhaust people with new taxes and to support authority Bulgar a above all roads from the countries infidels in the states of Islam " (1; 102).
During rule of the Talib the trading ways going through the Itil region from the north on the south and from the east to the west appeared in hands Itil Bulgar. It played a main role in transformation Bulgar into the prospering country.
3. Reign Timara (981-1004)
In 981 Kan the Talib died. to the royal throne the son of the late Kan Mohammed Timar living up to it in Nur-Suvare was lifted. He was supported by large feudal lords - kazanchies and pechenegi. Having come to authority Timar, began to enter innovations. First of all it{he} ordered to transfer{translate} all Bulgar -pagans in the category of the state peasants - pagans, obliged to pay the raised{increased} taxes either for the benefit of treasury, or on the maintenance{contents} of an royal house. Before they were subashes - exclusive state peasants. As a result of these transformations the social status of Bulgar -pagans strongly went down. It displeased in their environment{Wednesday}. Especially large turmbutter were in a province Kashan where pagans made the majority of the population. Business was aggravated by that sardar kursybaia Kukcha simultaneously was the governor of Kashan. To weaken influence Kukchi, Kan Timar undertook the following steps. First, it{he} declared Kashan internal province Bulgar. It meant, that its{her} governor began to submit directly Khan. On this basis Timar removed{ took off} Kukchu from a governor's post, having left it{him} only sardarom. Second, it{he} removed kursybai from Bulgar, having sent it{him} to be at war together with North Caucasian pechenegami against the Kyiv the Ruses as the Ruses Prince refused to pay djir a tribute.
Soon after that Timar declared also Mardan-Bellak an internal province, having allocated from it{her} province Saksin. It to it{him} needed to be removed{be took off} from a post of the governor of younger brother Ibragima and by that to weaken it{him}. Timar appointed Ibragima the governor of small Aktyubinsk district Saksina.
The discontent policy{politics} Timara accepted such scales, that Bulgar s-pagans the big groups began to leave on Arsu (the initial name r. Kazanki). Of growing discontent decided to take advantage Ibragim. He secretly come into contact to the Kyiv Prince Vladimir and sardarom kursybaia Kukchoj. To Vladimir Ibragim promised to stop attacks pechenegov to Russia. With groups Turkmenov and kursybai Kukchi Ibragim passed through Burtas and occupied Bilyar. Then it{he} was directed by. Bulgar u. on boats Prince Vladimir with an army there come and plundered suburbs. Having learned{having found out} about it, sardar kursybaia Kukcha not approved union Ibragima with Vladimir. He attacked army of Prince Vladimir and tired out{ driven} them on the ships. Thus Vladimir lost 10 thousand killed, and 8 thousand his{its} soldiers were took prisoner (1; 103).
Kan Timar entered negotiations with Kukchoj and Vladimir. Kukcha demanded for Ibragima a post of governor Bajtjuby, and Kashan for itself. Prince Vladimir asked to turned over to it{him} captured in exchange for trebling " djir to a tribute " and opening of a duty-free Amber way to Baltic (Artan). Kan agreed with the offered{suggested} conditions.
More strongly to fasten the achieved agreements, Timar given out the daughter for Vladimir. Wedding took place to the Bulgar e. After that Vladimir sailed to Russia. Next year Timar directed to Kyiv 7 Muslim preachers led by Kul-Mohammed. They turned into Islam of the some people Baryn and kaubuj princes, built mosques in Kyiv, Chernigov (Karadjar), Poltava (Batavyl), Putivle (Horysdan), Kursk (Hursa).
In 988 year Prince Vladimir suddenly attacked Crimea. The Byzantian emperor offered Vladimir many gold and silver in exchange for Crimea (Djalda) and acceptance of christianity. Prince agreed. Having learned{having found out} about it, Timar sent to it{him} the ambassadors. Some years went negotiations concerning payment " djir a tribute ".
In 991 year Prince Vladimir directed army for capture Cinchona (Sarkel). After new sardar kursybaia Sal-Sal crushed these army, Vladimir renewed payment " djir a tribute ".
In 995 year Prince Vladimir made attempt to open other way to the countries of the East through Dima-Tarhan (. TmutaraKan). Timar sent Sal-bacon with kursybai. Vladimir acted towards, but his{its} army were broken at. Vasyla. He was rescued, having hidden under the bridge (1; 104). This war proceeded till 1006. In 1006 the Ruses army person was destroyed by number of 40 thousand at station Tangra-Majdan. After that Prince Vladimir agreed to the following conditions of the conclusion of the world.
First, to not adjust a way to Dima-Tarhanu (. TmutaraKan).
Second, to renew payment " djir a tribute ".
Thirdly, to open Artan a way to Baltic through Novgorod.
Fourthly, to allow Bulgar skim duty-free to trade to merchants in Djire - Rostov and Galidje - Great Novgorod.
Fifthly, to give Bulgar am as the hostage of the son voevody.
In the beginning of XI century the discontent policy{politics} Timara accepted menacing character. In 1004 the first died sardar kursybaia Kukcha. By then it{he} was the governor of Kashan, and his brother Sal-Sal sardarom. After death Kukchi the governor of Kashan became the son of Sal-bacon Vasyl. Having took advantage of that in 1004. Sal-Sal with kursybai was in the North, Timar caused Vasyla to the Bulgar , arrested and ordered to chain in a circuit. To his{its} place appointed the protege from among large feudal lords - kazanchies. When the group kazanchies arrived to Kashan, it{him} have met subashi, i.e. peasants - Moslems led by the daughter of Sal-bacon and have not let to Kashan. Has soon returned Sal-Sal with kursybai. Kashantsy have proclaimed his{its} governor. Timar not recognized it{him}. It aggravated position of Kan . Indignation of his{its} actions captured also other provinces. Brother Timara Masgut, former of the governor of a Mardan-Bellak province took advantage of it. With group Mardanersev Masgut it was directed by. Bulgar u. militia of feudal lords - kazanchies in capital during that moment was absent. Timar sent it{him} against Bilyariansev, expelled of city of the governor - kazanchija. Kan in capital was with a small team. He was covered in citadel "Mumin". Masgut suggested the brother to leave peacefully a throne and to go to live to the Nur-Suvar. Timar agreed However when it{he} left a gate, strela, let out{released} by one of bellak soldiers, killed Timara on the spot (1; 107). It took place in 1004.
Second half X century in istori Itil Bulgaria it was celebrated by large fatal events.
First, Itil Bulgaria not only it was released{exempted} from dependence of Khazaria, but also attached its{her} possession to the.
Second, Itil Bulgaria took under the control all trading ways which are taking place through the Itil region from the north on the south and from the east to the west.
Thirdly, Bulgar skie merchants became monopolists in trade in the foreign goods in territory Itil Bulgaria and unique intermediaries in trade between foreign merchants in its{her} limits.
Fourthly, on huge open spaces from r. Ob in the east up to mountains Karpat in the west there was no the force, capable to resist to military and economic power Itil Bulgaria.
The literature
1. Bahshi Iman. Djagfar tarihy. Т.1. The arch Bulgar  annals. 1680 - Orenburg, 1993.
2. A.N.diplomac's Svyatoslav sugars. - М., 1991.
3. Rambo A.Zhivopisnaja a history of ancient and new Russia. - М., 1994.
The dictionary of terms
1. Ak dingez - the White sea.
2. Artan - Baltic.
3. Badyanaki - pechenegi.
4. Bajgul-su - the river Ob.
5. Baituba - Bulgar a province with the center to the Bilyare.
6. Balyn - Suzdal, Northeast Russia.
7. Balyntsy - russy.
8. Batyshtsy - vjatichi, have arisen as a result of mixture murdasov with the Scandinavian tribe it is thin.
9. Bulymer-. Vladimir.
10. Galidj - Great Novgorod.
11. Galidjijtsy - Novgorodians.
12. Djir - Rostov, " the Rostov land ".
13. Dima-Tarhan-. TmutaraKan.
14. Il - a province, province.
15. Kan-Murom.
16. Kisan - Ryazan.
17. Kortdjak - a part of northeast Russia located in territory of modern Moscow, Vladimir and Ivanovo areas of Russia.
18. Cooper - Kubar - the river Khoper.
19. Kursybai - constant Bulgar  an army.
20. Saklan - Scythian steppe, territory of Ciscaucasia.
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3.3. Miftahov
Course of lectures on a history of Tatar people
Itil Bulgaria XI CENTURIES
1. Itil Bulgaria in the first половинеXI centuries.
2. Rule of Kan Adama.
Has ended X century and началсяXI a century: immemorial change of times and generations. Has passed almost 150 years since time of declaration Itil Bulgaria ii the Islamic state (865). For this time for an royal throne eight governors have visited: Djilki (865-882, carried a title of Kana-Kan ), Bath - Ugyr (882-895, the title of Prince carried and operated Bulgar skim a autonomous princedom), Almysh (895-925, variants of graphic fixing of a name: Almush, Almas, Diamond: carried a title Emir and counted itself the deputy of the Baghdad caliph), Gazan (925-930, variant of graphic fixing of a name - Hasan - son Almysh), Mikail (930-943; a nickname Yalkau-lazy; son Almysh), Mohammed (943-976 son Mikailja), Talib Mumin (976-981), Timar (981-1004) . Governors were and are different: Djilki and Almysh strengthened foundations Bulgar statehood, promoted distribution of Moslem to the Itil region; Djilki proclaimed Itil Bulgaria iju the Islamic state, and Almysh achieved a recognition of this fact the Baghdad caliph. Father and the son promoted opening at mosques of national schools - mektebe and to development of trade. Their successors Mikail and Mohammed conducted an idle way of life, liked to listen to musicians, competition chichanov (poets), were in constant search of new amusements. Talib Mumin managed to transform Itil Bulgaria iju into the mighty state, achieved a victory over Khazaria and attached its{her} territory to the possession, established the control over all trading ways of the Itil region. Talib Mumin transformed Itil Bulgaria iju into the prospering country. ВXI a century Itil Bulgaria come under the control of Kan Timara, the governor severe and worthless. To it{him} on change there come a galaxy of similar governors: Masgut, Ibragim, Baluk and Azgar. About their acts now also there will be a speech.
1. Itil Bulgaria in the first половинеXI centuries
After destruction Timara to the royal throne the third son of the late Kan Mohammed Masgut was lifted. It happened in 1004. During his{its} rule (1004-1006) took place very little essential. It is possible to mention only following.
First, Kan Masgut released{exempted} from prison of the former governor of Kashan Vasyla and reinstated it{him}. Thus it{he} won round a standing army kursybai as sardarom father Vasyla at that time was.
Second, inspired sardar Sal-Sal crushed army of Prince Vladimir.
However soon the situation inside the country was changed, and position of Kan Masguta sharply worsened. In the city of Bulgar e turmbutter have flashed. The son of the sheikh Musy Hudja Ahmed addressed on a bazaar square to Khan Masgutu with the requirement immediately to stop war and to lower taxes (1; 107). People which gathered on a bazaar square supported it{him}. Kan ordered to seize Hudju Ahmed and to banish from the country. It resulted in explosion of indignation of people. Masgut caused kursybai. While the standing army approached{suited}, people surrounded a citadel of the city of Bulgar a.
Having learned{Having found out} about it, from Bilyar to capital the second son of the late Kan Mohammed Ibragim moved. He moved in the chapter{head} of a militia. To capital began to be flown down and groups of large feudal lords - kazanchies. Kazanchies were up in arms against Masguta that that killed Kan Timara favorable to them. However all of them were outstripped Misha-JUsuf, by son Kermeka. In due time Kermek constructed on the means the city named his{its} name-Кермек. Kan Masgut expelled 90-years old man Kermeka from own city. Son Kermeka decided to revenge for the father. He with the group driven in capital and began to rise to a citadel. Kan Masgut was frightened and escaped from city. He was directed in Batysh (territory on the river Oka). Inhabitants of these places Bulgars named batyshtsami. Russy called them vjatichami. batyshtsy considered, that they arisen as a result of mixture murdasov with the Scandinavian tribe is thin.
Kazanchies wanted to lift to the royal throne of the protege. However Misha-JUsuf not started up them in a citadel of. Bulgar a. He handed over internal fortress "Mumin" only Ibragimu.
to the royal throne was lifted Ibragim (1006-1025) New Kan had time to make the following acts.
First, Kan Ibragim concluded the contract with Prince Vladimir with the following provisions: Prince triples the size djir a tribute (" the Rostov tribute ", "rostovshchina"), refuses claims on Khazarskie territories, opens for Bulgar  merchants all cities and roads of Russia (1; 104).
Second, it{he} reduced number kursybaia from 6 thousand person up to thousand (1; 108). Got under reduction Kan given nadely and given tax privileges.
Thirdly, Ibragim, being governor Bajtjuby, based in 985 year the lock the Alamir-Sultan. He was constructed in the place of of legendary tomb Alamir of the Sultan. Alamir the Sultan Bulgars named one of commanders Alexander the Great (5; 12). Later this fortress began to call Alabuga. Nowadays is the city of Elabuga. After death in 1025 Kan Ibragim was buried in the lock the Alamir-Sultan.
Fourthly, in 1021 on command of Kan Ibragima fortress Djunne-Kala named so in honor of its{her} founder was constructed. Her{it} built in the place of former Bulgarian menzelja (roadside station with postojalym a court yard, a fort). On this place the city of Nijni Novgorod is now located.
The situation developed in Russia after death of Prince Vladimir, affected and a state of affairs in Itil Bulgaria. When in 1015 Prince Vladimir died, struggle between it{him} sons for authority began. And sons at him{it} was twelve. In this struggle were killed Gleb (the Murom prince, son Vladimir and daughters of the late Kan Timara Bozok; Bulgars it{him} named Halib), Boris (son Vladimir and Bozok; Bulgars it{him} named Barys), and as Svyatoslav (son Vladimir from other woman). Finally struggle was developed{unwrapped} between brothers Yaroslavom Novgorod and Mstislavom TmutaraKanskim. In this struggle Yaroslav (Bulgars named Ar-Aslap) was expelled from Kyiv. Becoming{beginning} the Kyiv prince, Mstislav (Bulgars it{him} named Myshdauly) ceased to pay Bulgar am a tribute for Djir (the Rostov land). Kan Ibragim directed the governor of Mardan Gilasa against Mstislava. Gilas from a march took Kan (Murom). Prince Yaroslav, contrary to command Mstislava, not come to the aid of inhabitants of Kan. In gratitude for it Kan Ibragim helped Yaroslavu " to cope with the strongest famine in Balyne ", i.e. in Northeast Russia. Aspiring to push Yaroslava on continuation of struggle with Mstislavom, Kan Ibragim sent it{him} in a gift an royal cap. It was the copy his{its} own. Master Atrak, son Musy, made such three caps. Kan Ibragim carried one of them itself, and the second sent as a gift to the sultan of Khurasan Mahmudu. A third it{he} presented Prince Yaroslavu, the son of Prince Vladimir. In the Ruses historiography this cap is known as " cap Monamaha " (more in detail see 1; 108).
Thus, the cap known in the Ruses historiography as " cap Monamaha ", was presented Bulgar skim by Kan Ibragimom (1006-1025) Prince Yaroslavu to Vladimirovich by a nickname "Wise" (mind{wit}. In 1054).
Rule of Kan Azgara (1025-1028). Shortly before the death (1025) Kan Ibragim declared the successor of the son of deceased Timara Ashrafa. After death Ibragima Ashrafa raised on a throne. However it{he} was kept on a throne absolutely not for long. Sardar kursybaia Vasyl demanded from him{it}. Bilyar. Ashraf given up. Then Vasyl supported son Masguta Azgara. Ashraf without resistance left{abandoned}. Bulgar also located to the Bilyare. After that to it{him} have nicknamed Baluk (1; 109). So in 1025 Azgar became Kan .
For support sardar kursybaia Vasyl reserved a province Kashan and received from new Kan Djaushir district of Baituba province. The Earth this district were located from Ahtaia up to a mouth of the river Djau-Shira (present r. Bahta). Wishing to please sardaru, Kan Azgar increased number kursybaia from one thousand up to 4 thousand.
In 1028 Prince Mstislav made attempt to grasp the lands former Khazar kaganata. With this purpose it{he} sent on boats across Itil by. Bulgar u galidjijtsev - Novgorodians and hired varjagov. Before them the problem{task} was put: to grasp. Bulgar , and then to float downwards on Itil up to Behtasha (there where Itil and Don close approach to each other) and to wait for the approach of Prince Mstislva. Bulgars have crushed fleet Novgorodians and Scandinavians. In the meantime Prince Mstislav seized with the help of Greeks of. Hin (White Veja, Sarkel). Loss of. Cinchona displeased Bulgar  merchants. Of this circumstance decided to take advantage Ashraf Baluk. With the group it{he} approached to. Bulgar u. With a policy{politics} of Prince Azgara were dissatisfied not only the merchants, refused to protect capital, but also kazanchies. They were dissatisfied with the big sizes of taxes, and also that Kan indulged whims sardara kursybaia. By. Bulgar u approached and kursybai. Completely unexpectedly the capital poor began in protection of Kan Azgara. There was very serious and dangerous opposition: on the side of Kan have acted a standing army kursybai and the armed capital poor, on the side of opposition led by Ashrafom Balukom there was a merchant class and a militia of large feudal lords - kazanchies. In this situation Azgar decided to leave an royal throne. As a result of negotiations with Ashrafom Balukom it{he} achieved for itself(himself) a post ulugbeka - the governor Suvar-silt, i.e. province Suvar.
Rule of Kan Ashrafa (1028-1061). So in 1028 Ashraf again became Kan . However it{he} not dared to drive to the Bulgar also declared capital the city of Bulyar or Bilyar. And Kan ordered henceforth. Bilyar to call Bulgar om. The former city of Bulgar have renamed in "Ibragim" (1; 109).
Thus, the city of Bilyar called "Bulgar " for the first time becomes capital Itil Bulgaria in 1028 during rule of Kan Ashrafa Baluka.
Becoming{Beginning} Kan , Ashraf Baluk directed kursybai for clearing. Cinchona (White Veja). Sardar Mardan quickly beaten out Mstislava from Cinchona. After a while Prince Mstislav directed people in Djurash (Northern Dagestan) where they overthrown Emir Timer the Tavern. In 1032 Kan Ashraf Baluk again sent kursybai and Bulgar  fleet for rendering assistance emiru Timer to the Tavern.
When kursybai returned, having executed a task in view it became known, that Kan is going to dismiss it{him} immediately. Sardar Mardan was deprived the possession. On a place of 4 thousand kursybaies-Bulgar Kan employed kyrgyzov. Kyrgyzami Sabany named Oimeks, i.e. the basic ancestors of Kazakhs (1; 373). Persians called them Kypchaksi. Bulgars named them kumanami, as khan of a part a Kara- Oimeks (western Oimeks, acted{arrived} on service Bulgar am) carried name Kuman (1; 110).
The governor of province Suvar Azgar given former sardaru kursybaia to Mardan and his{its} soldiers district Kermek. The rest in a province Kashan kursybaies, Kan Ashraf Baluk transferred{translated} in the category a Kara- chirmyshes (they paid twice more taxes, than subashi, t.e peasants - moslems, moreover the tax for the benefit of a mosque and other duties). Many of them have escaped on the lands Martuba. Here they located in territory between the rivers Arsu (present r. Kazanka) and Mishej (present r. Mesha). Thus they almost have completely expelled therefrom Ars (1; 110). At that time, i.e. in 1035, governor Martuba was ulugbek Alaj. his father by name JUsuf before was ulugbekom Bulgar a and Nur-Suvara. Ulugbek JUsuf in 970 year based balik (fortress) Djably-Kala. People began balik to call this Simbirom (present Ulyanovsk). Itself Alaj in 1028 based on the river Sura balik Alaj-round (subsequently began to name the Mythical stone).
Having learned{Having found out} about that ulugbek Alaj accepts fugitives from a province Kashan, Kan Ashraf removed{ took off} it{him} from a post of the governor and transferred{translated} to a post bring down Tuhchi (present Chistopol).
In 1035 Kan Ashraf replaced structure kursybaia: in the place of Cumana from it{him} kyrgyzami it{he} employed a new horde western kyrgyzov (Kara- kyrgyzy) led by khan Ishim. Ashraf married the daughter of Ishim Minlebike.
In 1035 Prince Mstislav organized a new campaign for. Hin. The plan of capture remained former: the part of an army on boats swims up to Ibragimu (to former. Bulgar u), grasps it{him}, then goes downwards across Itil up to Behtasha. At this time other part of an army in the chapter{head} with Prince makes an attack for. Hin. Following Prince directed to this plan of 16 thousand varjagov-mercenaries and Novgorodians led by varjagom which Bulgars named Hin-Kubar, for capture of. Ibragima-Bulgar a. Prince Mstislav with a numerous army was directed to city Cinchona. Towards to it{him} moved kursybai led by sardarom Ishim. When kursybai reached Don, to sardaru to Ishim from capital of. Bulgar a (former. Bilyar) arrived Minlebika. Sardar Ishim asked the daughter to help it{him}. Menlebika agreed and written to Prince Mstislavu the letter of the following maintenance{contents}: " I want to be tvoeju, the nice{famous} soldier, come and catch me with near friends " (1; 110). Having received this letter, Prince Mstislav jumped accompanied by hundred soldiers to the specified place on bank of Don. The wife of khan Ashrafa (the daughter sardara Ishim) Minlebika was in the established place with three wars. Prince Mstislav was chained in an armour and was sure, that his{its} armour cannot be punched streloj. However it{he} was mistook. Appeared, that Bulgars began to make special iron strely which let with the help of the big onions{bows}. Such onions{bow} had been armed one of three soldiers accompanied Minlebiku. It was the brother former sardara Bulgarian kursybaia Sabir. He also let iron strelu in Prince Mstislava and killed it{him}. In the Ruses historiography business represent so, as if it{he} died on hunting (3; 50).
In the meantime voevoda Hin-Kubar with varyagami and Novgorodians sailed by. Bulgar u (. Ibragim) on 400 courts. From Bilyar (. Bulgar ) towards to the opponent knights of Mardan, kyrgyzy Cumana have moved. Soon from Kashan approached Bulgar  fleet. When Bulgar konnitsa and fleet have simultaneously attacked the opponent, Novgorodians have left on a battlefield varjagov and have departured downwards across Itil. Voevoda Hin-Kubar bravely battled to the varyagami, but received heavy wounds and as the brave soldier was hung up Bulgar ami on a tree. At Bulgar the custom was: bodies of brave soldiers of the opponent, victims in fight, did not bury in the land, and suspended on a tree that their souls have moved in Bulgar .
Escaped from a battlefield Novgorodians were destroyed in a mouth of Samar - su (present The river Samara).
After death of Prince Mstislava his brother Yaroslav became the sovereign governor in all territory of Russia (4; 41). He concluded the contract with Itil Bulgaria iej with the following provisions: Prince Yaroslav undertook to pay on a regular basis djir (Rostov) tribute, and Kan Ashraf agreed to turned over a body killed voevody Hin-Kubar in exchange for the gold equal to his{its} weight (1; 111).
After death Yaroslava (1054) new Kyiv Prince Izyaslav refused to pay djir a tribute. Kan Ashraf Baluk ordered to make to the governor of Mardan Balusu a campaign against Russia and to force to pay this tribute. For it Kan again attached Saksin to a province Mardan. However governor Balus went to a campaign not itself, and sent Don Turkmen. But those have suddenly risen and have surrounded. Hin (White Veja). Balusu had to act itself in a campaign to beat off Hin. Pursuing Turkmen, it{he} defeated to Batavylu (it{him} also named "Horysdan", present Putivl). Voevodoj (bring down) Batavyla father Balusa Rahman Gilas was. He refused to hand over a fortress to the son as was offended on Kan Ashrafa.
In 1060 Balus repeated a campaign and defeated army of Prince Izyaslav. Prince was took prisoner. He agreed to pay djir a tribute, to pay for itself(himself) the ransom and promised to remove Turkmen from territory of Russia (1; 112).
If in sphere of foreign policy Kan Ashraf Baluk achieved some successes in sphere of internal policy it{he} did not manage to seize a situation.
Peasants' revolts. A stumbling-block became the relation of Kan to peasants of two provinces - Kashan and Martuba. He persistently refused to recognize the peasants who have accepted Islam subashes, i.e. exclusive state peasants. On this land at the end of 40th years the revolt which received name "Pjatitopornogo" as in the chapter{head} of revolt stood five leaders armed with axes flashed. The center of revolt became a province Kashan. Kashan ulugbek kypchak Kuman made the big efforts to suppress revolt and to keep the governor's post. Basically it{he} leaned{based} on kypchakov former kursybaia. However special successes Kuman not achieved. Then in 1050 Kan removed{ took off} it{him} from a post of the governor and appointed to his{its} place of the son of former Kan Azgara Ahada. Ahad come to very important conclusion, that " to win own people in any way it is impossible " (1; 112). Therefore it{he} began negotiations with leaders rising. An armistice have reached on the following basis: Subashi-Moslems keep the privileges and the got lands, and other peasants are translated in former categories. This agreement split numbers{lines} rising.
Kan decided, that revolt come to the end and soon cancelled a former rule according to which the peasants who have accepted Islam, could proceed{pass} in the category subashes or ak-chirmyshes. It was the fatal mistake for him{it}.
Revolt flashed with new force. Especially mass it was in provinces Kashan and Martubaa. On suppression of revolt Kan directed a militia of large feudal lords kazanchies. However after several fierce skirmishes kazanchies without the knowledge of Kan have promised novoobrashchennym to Moslems to give the status subashes. Having learned{having found out} about it, Ashraf refused to execute the promise kazanchies. Besides having become angry, Kan ordered to transfer{translate} force subashes-Bulgar in the category ak-chirmyshes. ak-chirmyshes were obliged to pay the tax twice more, than subashi and to carry out heavier duties. This decision of Kan appeared last drop which exhaust all patienced.
Death of Kan Ashrafa. The opposition decided to take advantage of a developed situation. Against Kan governors of two large and rich provinces - Kashan and Mardan were adjusted not only peasants, but also kursybai, and kazanchies, and. They were constrained with custom according to which it was forbidden Bulgar am to shed blood Bulgar . However opponents Ashrafa have found an output{exit}, having employed kypchakov khan Asana. His{its} groups have besieged{halted} capital of. Bulgar -Bilyar. Kashanskie subashi have punched in two places of a wall of city. In the formed gaps sent kumany. Kan Ashraf Baluk and seid Nugman were killed. There was it in 1061.
The rule of Kan Ahada (1061-1076) After destruction Ashrafa Baluka to the royal throne was lifted Azgar. He the second time became Kan . First time of rules with 1025 for 1028. And this time Azgar rules not for long: in total a little bit{some} months so kakon died under rather mysterious circumstances on hunting close Nur-Suvara (1; 113).
Kan became the governor of Kashan Ahad (1061-1076). During the reign it{he} had time to make only two more or less important affairs. First, it{he} confirmed the arrangement achieved still{even} at Ashrafe between kazanchiesi and martjubinskimi and kashanskimi subashes, namely: subashi keep the privileges, and peasants - pagans can be enslaved by feudal lords kazanchiesi. Second, it{he} had time to send kursybai against Don (shir) Turkmen.
In 1076 Ahad was will overthrow. As an occasion that it{he} agreed with refusal of Russia to pay djir a tribute served. Shortly before it Kan Ahad moved to. Ibragim (former Bulgar ) also declared his{its} capital.
On the verge of centuries. In 1076 son Ashrafa Baluka emir Adam without fight took. Bulgar -Bilyar also proclaimed itself Kanom-Kan . Becoming{beginning} Kan , Adam declared capital again. Bilyar. Ahad recognized authority of new Kan , conspiring with the become bring down the cities of Ibragima-Bulgar a.
So, on stykedvuh centuries the governor Bulgar i Kan Adam (1076-1118) was Itil. It was the person imperous, not suffering{bearing} any contradiction to itself (1; 115). During his{its} rule there were following essential events in a history Itil Bulgaria.
1. Fortification east borders. In концеXI real threat of capture a Kara- Oimeksi, i.e. western Kypchaksi, Bulgar  the lands century was created. Kypchaki were aggressive people. Under certificate Gazi Baradja (XIII century, " in the world there were no people more loved{liked} sechu, than kypchaki) (1; 115).
In 1095 khan western kypchakov SHam attacked on Bulgar -Bilyar. Under his{its} command was 100 thousand soldiers. Khan was the brave soldier and had powerful force. He resulted with itself(himself) some tribes. A Kara- Oimeki of the profit with wives, children and with all belongings. They intended to lodge on the won lands.
At that time at Bilyar there was no still a wall. The city could expose only 5 thousand militiamen. Kan Adam had no special polkovodcheskim talent. Position was rescued by son Adama Shamgun. He was ulugbekom. Ibragima-Bulgar a. On dawn Shamgun approached to capital with kazanchiesi. Large feudal lords kazanchies much more surpassed kypchakov on arms and military art (1; 115).
Shamgun straight off attacked camp kypchakov. At this time to the aid of son-in-law Shamgunu Kan Dugar, the governor of other group kypchakov which Bulgars began to call kumanami appeared in time. Dugar with the kumanami attacked on a Kara- Oimeks of khan Shama from rear. SHam was compelled to develop{unwrap} a part of the army against kumanov. By the heat of battle the standing army - kursybai appeared in time. Khan Sham was lost in fight. Survived a Kara- Oimeki began to recede. Bulgars pursued them up to Djaika (present r. Ural). They seized " not less than 30 thousand carts and jurt with carpets, clothes, utensils and the weapon. Among all other in han arbe have seized surprising beauty vessels for preparation of miracle and fragrant tinctures " (1; 116). Kan Adam took these vessels to itself.
Bulgars and kumany men - kypchakov have interrupted, and their wives, children took to itself. Especially it is a lot of women and children took away with itself Bulgars from province Tamta. Therefore in due course in customs and external shape tamtajtsev have appeared Oimekskie, i.e. Kypchakie features.
After these events Kan Adam ordered to build between. Bulgar om-Bilyarom and the river Djaik (Ural) eight lines of defensive bulwark.
2. Protection of southern borders. When east borders Itil Bulgaria were fortifiedy, kypchaki began to change routes of the attacks. Khan of southern group kypchakov Ajjubaj at first broke to Suvaru-ilju (province Suvar), moving on surburbs of a province Mardan. Then began to make attacks on Bukhara road through Saksin (1; 118). To move on Bukhara road to trading caravans it became dangerous. Trade began to be curtailed. It became especially sensitive after Turkmeny, driven with nizovjev Don Ajjubaem, have occupied. Hin (Sarkel or White Veja).
Kan Adam undertook drastic measures. Having broken liberties of inhabitants of a Mardan-Bellak province, which have chosen to itself the governor, it{he} removed{ took off} from this post Balusa and appointed artful Kolyna, the son of former Kan Ahada. Artful and inventive Kolyn developed and carried out grandiose operation on destruction kypchakov Aiübai. Operation consisten of several stages.
The first stage. Kolyn at first convinced Kan Adama of necessity to organize a marriage of his{its} grandson Arbata (son Shamgun) on daughter Bonjaka, i.e. the leader Kypchak a tribe, submitting to khan Ajjubaju. had to invite to wedding Aiübai. When have achieved the consent of all interested parties{sides}, have started realization of actions of the second stage.
The second stage. Have achieved consent Aiübai to that wedding took place to the Bilyare.
The third stage. When Ajjubaj accompanied by the army and sons it was directed on wedding to. Bulgar -Bilyar, it{him} have passed{missed} on passes through lines of 8 bulwark. Defensive lines from bulwark, rvov, celebrated called urami. After passage of an army of khan Aiübai passes in urah have closed and have charged with them to protect Baitubatsam and tamtajtsam which were malicious on kypchakov for their robberies.
The fourth stage - accommodation of visitors. Khan Ajjubaj resulted with itself of 11 thousand perfect soldiers and 11 sons. In suburbe Bulgar a-Bilyar Hinuba khan placed one thousand soldiers. With itself(himself) in a caravan-sarai " Djau Shir " (Great Don) where there should be a wedding, it{he} took 500 soldiers. This caravan-sarai was in suburbe Maine. Before it{him} there was a huge bazaar square. On it{her} were placed 500 more kypchakov.
Thus, in the city of Bulgar e-Bilyare it was placed 2 thousand kypchakov-soldiers, and the others of 9 thousand - in vicinities of city.
The fifth stage. Owners very assiduously treated visitors with a drink sudjej (medovuha). Especially assiduously treated the soldiers who have settled down as inside, and outside of city. When visitors were drunk enough, the daughter of khan Aiübai, mother of "groom" Arbata brought to the father a cup sudji with poison, not suspecting about it Ajjubaj quietly drunk for happiness young and in some seconds failed on a carpet (1; 119). His{its} daughter also did not know that sudj is poisoned.
The sixth stage. When khan Ajjubaj fallen, soldiers of Kan Adama were threw over visitors with naked swords. "Groom" Arbat a huge cudgel killed nine sons of khan, and the tenth was killed by his{its} wife, sister Shamgun.
All kypchaki in a caravan-sarai, suburbah Maine, Bulyar and Hinuba were perebity. During same time kazanchies attacked kypchakov, located outside of city. One thousand left from 9 thousand soldiers in steppe only led by eleventh son Aiübai (1; 120).
Thus, as a result of realization of operation " Wedding Aiübai " in a southwest Itil Bulgaria the tribe of khan Aiübai did not begin. Are dear on Saksin, Khoresm. Kyiv and Dima-Tarhan (. TmutaraKan) became free and safe.
In commemoration of this victory Kan Adam ordered to decorate fighting banners not only a symbol of winged dragon Baradja and a half moon, but also is familiar Alamira the Sultan who looked so - (1; 120).
3. A state of affairs on the western borders
Having come to authority in 1076 Kan , Adam put before itself the purpose: to force Russia to pay djir a tribute and to open a way to Baltic (Artan) and Kyiv (Bashtu) (1; 113). Kan Adam started realization of this purpose in 1078. He directed Emir Ahada to a campaign on the river Mosha (present r. Sukhona). Armies of the Kyiv Prince were crushed, Prince Gleb (Bulgars it{him} named Halib) was killed. Emir returned in Itil Bulgaria iju, having collected a huge tribute from the Finno-Ugric tribes living on the rivers Djuk (present r. The south) and Mosha (present r. Sukhona) and Djire (the Rostov land). In honor of this campaign Ahad received nickname Mosha. Popularity Ahada began to frighten Kan . And it{he} together with Dugarom, khan of one of Kypchak tribes was directed by. Bulgar u-Ibragimu where Ahad Mosha was the governor. Ahad ran to Kan (Murom) where Prince Mstislav corrected. After campaign Ahada the Kyiv Prince Izyaslav renewed payment djir a tribute and opened ways to Kyiv and Baltic for Bulgar  merchants. Now it{he} wanted to help Ahadu to return a throne with a condition, that when becomes Kan , will release{exempt} Russia from payment djir a tribute. However emir Balus, the governor of Mardan sent by Kan Adamom outstripped Izyaslav. He defeated army of Prince Izyaslav, rushed into Kan (Murom). Balus wanted to keep life to Prince Mstislavu, but one muhshanets (mordvinian) shot to that at a back. The murderer have immediately split into parts, but Prince did not begin. It resulted Balusa in fury, and it{he} ordered Kan to turn all (Murom) princes into Islam. Ritual of trimming took place immediately, on a bazaar square.
Balus having took away captured and hostages, returned in Bandj. Kanskie (Murom) knjazja, inverted on a bazaar square in Islam, not having sustained sneers of fellow tribesmen, have left{abandoned} Kan (Murom) and have constructed on Sain-Idel (Oka) new city. This city became known as Kisan (Ryazan) (1; 114).
In 1088 Ahad Mosha constructed on the land batyshtsev (vjatichej) a fortress. Her{it} began to name in honor of him{it} "Mosha". This fortress formed an initial basis of the future Moscow (1; 140 and 370).
In 1096 the Chernigov Prince Oleg began war from others the Ruses knjazjami. Having agreed with Kan Adamom, it{he} was directed to Kisanu (Ryazan). Near Kan (Murom) Prince Oleg met son Adama Shamgunom who arrived with Bulgar skim kursybai and a militia of feudal lords - kazanchies. They together took Kisan. Then were directed to Balynu (Suzdal). At Balyna have concentrated Bulgar  army Shamgun, Oleg's the Ruses groups, and also kypchaki khan Bonjaka, employed by the Ruses prince. Balyn son Ahada Moshi protected emir Kolyn. Emir Kolyn, having understood hopelessness of position, surrendered Shamgunu. After that there was a long dispute between Oleg and Shamgunom who should posess the city of Balyn. Nobody conceded. Then emir Shamgun ordered to burn out to the soldiers city. Balyn burned down completely under cries of khan Bonjaka, raschityvavshego on extraction, Khan was upset so, that left{abandoned} allies. (1; 117).
Then emir SHamgui and Prince Oleg came to Djiru (Rostov). Shamgun promised inhabitants to not ruin city if they will surrender without fight. Inhabitants Djira have surrendered, but Prince Oleg rushed into city and began to plunder it{him}. Emir Shamgun quarrelled with Oleg and left{abandoned} it{him}. He was directed to Galidju (Great Novgorod). On road met the Kyiv Prince Svjatopolka Izyaslavicha (1093-1113). Prince promised to pay djir a tribute, to forbid Novgorodians to make attacks on Bulgar province Biysu. (Pripecher a province).
After achiesement of arrangement Shamgun and Svjatopolk were directed to Djiru to put an end to robbery of Prince Oleg. Having seen, that allies approach to city, Prince Oleg left Djir (Rostov) and escaped in steppe (1; 117).
Through mouth Sain-Idel (r. Oka) emir Shamgun returned in Bulgar iju with huge extraction.
4. A state of affairs in northern areas of the State
Prior to the beginning HP centuries Bulgars operated against Djira (the Rostov land) through Deber on Zjuja-su (present r. Sviyaga, Deber was near to present Villages Deushevo). Deber was capital of province Martubaa.
At the end of XI century. Russia concluded the union with Kypchaksi. Leaning{basing} on this union, she{it} ceased to pay djir a tribute - "rostovshchinu", closed ways for Bulgar  merchants to Baltic. And Kisan (Ryazan) Prince intruded province Martubaa and plundered mishar Ars (1; 117).
Kan Adam again sent son Shamgun to Russia. Emir Shamgun in the winter of 1101 intruded in Kisan, defeated army Kisan prince. In the 1102 Shamgun repeated a campaign. Kisan Prince requested the world and paid a tribute (1; 118).
That further it was convenient to operate against Djira and Kisana, emir Shamgun disposed to build new a city - fortress on Arsu (the former name r. Kazanka).
In the 1103 the city was constructed and named Uchel - " Three Cities ". Such name speaks that originally the city consisten of three parts.
The first part is Yugary Kerman, those. " The top fortress ". The fortress was located on the highest part of mountain called Bogyltau. High part Bogyltau abruptly broke to the river Arsu.
The second part - suburb Kalgan. Posad Kalgan was separated from Yugary Kerman Sainym rvom and some site of mountain, nothing built up " (1; 118). It was originally supposed to connect Yugary Kerman and suburb Kalgan, building up space between a fortress and Sainym rvom. However te and monetary difficulties have not allowed at once zadumku to carry out this (1; 118). This free space used " as a place for accommodation of caravans of Muslim merchants and a bazaar square " (1; 118). Arrived on trading affairs Ars stopped in Bish-Balta, and Urusesy - behind channel Bulak, connected lake the Wild boar with the river Arsu.
The third part is suburb Akbikul. He settled down under mountain Bogyltau around of lake Akbikul. Posady Akbikul and Kalgan were connected among themselves.
The first deputy of Kan in Uchele was Subash. Here was kursybai, sardarom which it{he} was, it{Him} replaced Selim, seeked for that Uchel became capital of province Martubaa. When Subash left{abandoned} Uchel with the kursybai, in city there were 30 hired soldiers from number slujilyh feudal lords and 200 akchirmyshes, i.e. chirmyshes-Moslems (1; 118). With such troops it was impossible to collect a tribute with " Ars and living among them on the mountain side serbijtsev " (1; 118), t.e ancestors of Chuvashes. Therefore the deputy Selim achieved from Kan Adama of translation in the category ak-chirmyshes living among Ars two tribes, sebertsev, i.e. the Hungarian tribes - kukdjakov and batlikov (1; 118). They were excellent soldiers.
Thus, in началеthe 12th centuries in northern part Itil Bulgaria there was a new strong point - the city of Uchel.
Death of Kan Adama. Kan died unexpectedly. There was it in 1118. Kan became his son Shamgun.
One more page in a history Itil Bulgaria , contained in itself the major events in political life Bulgar within the 11th century is turned. For this time there were following large changes:
1. ВXI a century Itil Bulgaria turned to one of the largest states of time. She{it} played the important role histories not only peoples of the Itil region, Priuralja and the North, but also Ukrainian, the Ruses peoples.
2. Process of deleting of distinctions between tribes and the clan including in ethnosystem Itil Bulgaria , вXI a century was sped up. Accordingly in written sources, and names of inhabitants of corresponding provinces and the states names of separate tribes and clan dominate as a whole not. So, for example, there are such general names, as kashantsy, martjubintsy, etc. more often.
3. Written sources fix presence of uniform language, a generality of customs and laws among Bulgar on a new basis, namely: on the basis of uniform statehood, uniform religion. Changes in language of this or that group Bulgar connect to inclusion in their structure of a plenty of women and children from other peoples. So, for example, in written sources changes in language and even in customs and external shape Bulgar provinces Tamta are fixed in connection with that they took to themselves many women and children after route a Kara- Oimeks in 1095. The source fixes occurrence at tamtaj Bulgar " Oimek their features Kypchak wives and children accepted in families " (1; 116).
4. ВXI a century more often become attacks Kyiv and novgorodsih princes on territory Itil Bulgaria. However their repeated attempts to not pay " djir a tribute " for transfer Bulgar ami to Kyiv Djira, t.e the Rostov land, have not crowned success. In other words, вXI a century Kan s Itil Bulgaria ii continued to receive from the Kyiv princes a tribute for transfer Djira (the Rostov land " to the Kyiv princedom.
5. ВXI a century Bulgars created on the southeast and southern boundaries powerful system of defensive works. The basic nucleus of this system consisten from urov, i.e. bulwark, rvov and celebrated. Such urov there were 8 lines.
6. ВXI a century Itil Bulgaria represented the advanced feudal state. The increasing role in political life of the country large feudal lords - kazanchies and owners of craft workshops-оста start to play (master). Kazanchies pass to direct violent captures of the state peasants and their lands. All this results in an aggravation of class contradictions and large performances{statements} of the state peasants, and also petty artisans in cities.
XI century - time of a high degree of social stratification Bulgarian societies.
The literature.
1. Bahshi Iman. Djagfar tarihy. Т.1. The arch Bulgar  annals. 1680 - Orenburg, 1993.
2. Bahshi Iman. Djagfar tarihy. Т.2. - Orenburg, 1994.
3. Miftahov Z.Z., Muhamadeeva D.SH.histor of Tatarstan and Tatar people Ч.1 - Kazan, 1995.
4. Solovjeva S.M. About a history of ancient Russia - М., 1992.
5. A brief history of USSR Ч.1. - М., 1983.
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Духовная культура Волжских Булгар

Военная и социально-политическая история Itil Булгарии XI века

