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Türkic Scripts - Codex of InscriptionsUnattributed |
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There are many isolated and often mis-attributed inscriptios carrying signs and traits of Türkic Scripts. |
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Berezanji Isle (Ukraine) inscription Stone from Berezanji Isle in the estuary of the Dniepr river. D 1. Berezanji Isle (Ukraine) inscription from http://home.no.net/ekerilar/ru-e-rusland.htm
Publications: The spin: The Russian runologist F. A. Braun guessed that Grani and Karl were Gotlanders, since the Old Norse word "hválf" - grave-vault ("half" in the inscription) was much more common on the Gotland island than in the others part of Scandinavia, and the text on the Berezanji stone is typical for Gotland stones. Attempts to read: Transliteration Translation ηγčšöïäü
Вещица с рунической надписью This is a Bulgar statuette, found some 120 km away from the
modern city of Kazan, in the vicinity of the ruins of the Volga Bulgar town of
Kashan. Under detailed inspection, one can discern the runic signs which are
characteristic for the Saltovo-Majaki culture (i.e. the Khazaro-Bulgar culture).
On the collar, in the front, one can see tamgas, quite Tataro-Bashkir in type.
BTW, a couple of weeks ago I showed them to I. Kyzlasov and he was not convinced
they are really tamgas. Such symbols can be also found, for example, on the
early pottery and bricks from the town of Biljar, etc. Also, on the Hungarian
carvings – there are two types of them, these [below] belong to the most
ancient, the so-called "Avar" type. The item is obviously pre-Islamic, otherwise
why the runic signs there?", 04.05.2004 г.
Ancient Turk Rock Inscriptions in the Talass Ala-Too
Руническая надпись на стеле с горы Опук в Крыму г. Опук (Восточный Крым) стела с изображением креста в круге и однострочной надписью под ним. Стела датируется второй-третьей четвертью IV в. на основании косвенных фактов, т.к. найдена не in situ и вне закрытого археологического комплекса (1, с. 77–97, рис.1,6). Источник: Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврики. Вып. 7. — Симферополь, 2000 г. 1. Голенко В.К., Юрочкин В.Ю., Синько O.A., Джанов A.B. Рунический камень с г. Опук в Крыму и некоторые проблемы истории северопричерноморских германцев // Древности Боспора. 2. Ин-т археологии РАН. М., 1999. |