In Russian

Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases

Alan Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Sabir Dateline

Contents · Djagfar Tarihi Contents

Z. Z. Miftakhov
Lecture course for history of Tatar people

Lecture 16

Military and politico - social history of Volga Bulgaria of the 12 c.
Attachments and Tables

<= 2. Index of rivers, lakes, seas, oceans ·  3. Index of ethnonyms  · 4. Index of military terms, titles, state offices =>
<= Military and politico- social history of Volga Bulgaria of the 11 c. · Ancient Tatar people and places of their initial settlement =>


a - as a in arch, j - as j in jealousy, kh - as h in hug, ü - as u in munitions, y - as Y in York or as i in i

3. Glossary of etnonyms

Akadjirs (Agachirs)

Name of the tribe originally in Mesopotamia, and then in Egypt, later on the right bank of the r. Oka. In the 4th century BC a part of Akadjirs joined Bulgars of the Northern Dagestan


Bulgarian name of the “Great Russians”, a literal translation is "Eastern Balyns"


Eastern Massagets, descendants Sindian (Indo-Iranian) clan Masgut, settled at some time in the western part of Kazakhstan

Almans Germans
Anatyshes Danes
Anchis Bulgarian the name Ants, a Slavic tribe a part of which was moved from the Balkan peninsula to the Dnieper basin. Founder of the Hunnish state Alyp-biyresettled the Ants on the northwestern border of his possessions. The word "Anchis" meant "frontier guards" ("border security guards")
Apas Bulgarian name of the ancestors of the Abkhasians
Ars A general name for Finno-Ugorian tribes
Artans Balts, Lithuanians
Ases In antiquity the Sinds-Murdases called the Sinds-Urs by this, later this etnonym began to designate the descendants of the Massagets (Masguts), Alans and Burtases.
Badjanaks Besenyos
Bayguls General name of ancestors of the modern Hants and Mansi
Bashkorts Name of the tribe which arose as a result of mixing Iranian-speaking Masguts (Massagets on Herodotusu) with Ugrian-speaking tribe Urma. For a long time this etnonym was used as the general name for the Ugrs who were living in open space steppe of Kazakhstan
Batyshes Bulgarian name for the Vyatiches. About the origin of the Vyatiches - Batyshes since long there were two versions. According to the first version, Vyatiches arose as a mixture of Ulchies (Ulchis) and Murdases. According to a second version, Vyatiches arose out of the mixture of Murdases and the Scandinavian tribe Khud
Baylaks Poles
Besermens nickname for the Itil Bulgars, given to them by Masguts (Massagets) and Turkmens. From them this name took the Ars, Ruses, Kypchaks, and later also the Mongols. Only much later it began to be used with a meaning of "Moslem"
Biysuians Historical ancestors of the modern Komis
Cumans Bulgarian name for the western Kypchaks, i.e. Russ. “Polovets”
Galidjians Original Bulgarian name for the Scandinavians, later this name transferred to the Novgorodians
Djurashes Dagestanians
Ibers Nenetses
Imens In antiquity: the name of one of Bulgarian ancestors, later: Manchurians
Ishtjaks Hanty; one of the nicknames of the Bulgars
Harka Bulgarian clan
Hazars (Khazars) The nhabitants of the Bulgarian province Mardan-Bellak called this the Saksinian Turkmen
Humyks Ancestors of the Kumyks
Hons Hunns, Manchurians
Huds Goths
Ishtyak Itil Bulgarians’ nickname
Kara-Balyns Byelorussians
Kara-Masguts Massagets who coached west from the Itil
Kashans (Kushans) One of Sindian clans
Kisans Ryazanians
Masguts Name of one of the Sinds-Urs clans
Muhsha Name of a part of the Ugrs, living between the rivers Seim and Sura
Oimeks Eastern Kypchaks, main ancestors of Kazakhs
Sabans Originally one of Sinds-Urs clans.Later the Iranian-speaking Sabans were Türkisized. Türks called them Sabars
Sadums Scandinavians
Saklans General name for the Northern Iranian tribes of the Northern Caucasus
Shuds Vepses, Merya
Tyrs Bulgarian name of the ancient Greek tribes, later Byzantines were called Tyreans
Ulags Romanians; Romance peoples
Ulak Bulgarian nickname for Slavs
Ulchians (Ulchilar) Slavs, "Ulichies"
Uruses (Ruses, Russes)  Originally one of the Masguts’ (Massegets’) clans, later – “Great Ruses”. The word "urus" meant "great"

1. Index of cities, fortresses and stations 
2. Index of rivers, lakes, seas, oceans 
3. Index of ethnonyms
4. Index of military terms, titles, state offices
5. Index of geographical names, parts of the world
6. Index of Kazan Mosques

<= Military and politico- social history of Volga Bulgaria of the 11 c. · Ancient Tatar people and places of their initial settlement =>

In Russian

Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases

Alan Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Sabir Dateline
