In Russian
Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases
  Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline

Contents · Djagfar Tarihi Contents · Historical ancestors of the ancient Bulgars

Z. Z. Miftakhov
Lecture Course for
History of Tatar People

The English text is a machine translation and needs a heavy editing. Until then, the translation allows a glimpse at the contents and scope of the textbook.

Lecture 1

No development of culture is possible without knowledge of native history and the a definite concept of it.


1. The problem and its significance
2. Scientific and educational objectives of the course
3. Structure and main ideas of the course



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Recently is observed a sharp burst of interest to the past. Many people engaged with enthusiasm in restoration of the primaeval past. The human thought follows much traveled route: in search of sources further down, from realities of modern life into the depths of centuries. A need to review all phases and periods of the ethnic history of Tatars also becomes more and more obvious. A problem of the origin of Tatars is an integral and important part of a broad spectrum of questions connected with ethnogenesis of many modern peoples in Eurasia. It is brought about, in particular, because the ethnic roots and branches of Tatar people were powerful and extensive. Therefore this problem for a long time interested many outstanding historians, but never before this desire to embrace the whole course of Tatar people historical development was so persevering as during the last years. We are witnessing that live interest to the ethnic history of Tatars display not only expert historians, but also the public at large. For a long time the history of Tatar people remained a theme of public disputes, but not special fundamental scientific research. It is easy to notice the newly voracity that started to consume everything written about Tatars. And it is not accidental. Tatars belong to the most ancient and populous ethnoses. In Middle Ages no other people attracted such staunch attention of historians, geographers, writers, powerful rulers, as Tatars. About them there was a rumour from coast of Pacific ocean in the east up to Atlantic in the west. A whole galaxy of outstanding scientists included information about them in their works. One wrote with admiration, others with fear, but nobody remained indifferent. For Tatars and their historical ancestors rendered deciding influence on a course of historical process on huge open spaces of Eurasia. They have created the original and original civilization which has influenced culture of many nations of the world. Their influence in such spheres of human activity, as management of a society and the state, military science, diplomacy, animal industries and trade (1 has been especially appreciable; 42). Ancient Tatars were not only descendants Huns, but also successors of their culture. Therefore they not casually were proud “ of the origin, the moral qualities, the religion, the family life ” (2; 14).
In an ethnic history of ancient Tatars there were rises and falling, the periods of peace life and bloody, severe the soldier. They actively participated in world politics within many centuries. For short historical term ancient Tatars have created some the powerful states, have brought in the powerful contribution to a universal civilization. However their true greatness was, that they have not left in nonexistence, similarly to missed ethnoses much{many} nowadays. And it despite of vicissitudes of life and that ancient Tatars lived in the neighbourhood with aggressive and powerful tribes. They have kept themselves as ethnic integrity, have found in itself forces for self-affirmation, preservations of the cultural - historical tradition. However about a role and a place of ancient Tatars in the general development of mankind, about their contribution to a universal civilization many judge, unfortunately, on separate episodes, on an any set of historical plots. It is difficult to name other people which ethnic history would be so it is maliciously deformed. Within many decades in an official historiography about Tatars wrote in indulgent and pejorative tones. The ethnic history of Tatars was examined as the original highlighting background, called to shade "epohalno-progressive" acts of other peoples. Russko-Tatar attitudes{relations} XIII-XVI of centuries were especially deformed. These attitudes{relations} were represented as constant centuries-old struggle Russian with Tatars. Thus it was not taken into account, that ethnic life of ancient Tatars had lasting self-value and was not reduced only to the russko-Tatar mutual relations. And these mutual relations, by the way, had deep roots and old many-sided historical tradition and were not reduced at all only to struggle.
Within many decades studying of a history of ancient Tatars carried isolated, casual character in many aspects. Many "historians" surveyed an ethnic history of ancient Tatars only through opening a monastic window. Accordingly conclusions turned out incomplete, schematical and inexact. Such approach allowed representatives of an official historiography to create at rising generations representation about ancient Tatars as about evil visitors on a vital feast of nations of the world.
Many difficulties and mistakes of process of studying of an ethnic history of ancient Tatars are caused, first, by insufficiency of the facts about the most ancient period of their ability to live, a fragmentariness and discrepancy of available data, second, presence in Russian historiography of a plenty of stereotypes, stamps with chauvinistic colouring concerning ethnic properties and acts of ancient Tatars. Within many decades readers had to look at a history of Tatar people eyes of Russian authors urapatrioticheskogo sense. It is natural, that a sight of them was rather unfriendly, fluent and superficial.
Subject of a course. Object of studying is the ethnic history of Tatar people since the most ancient times about one today. Certainly, such huge layer of a history cannot be investigated for one reception. Therefore the general course of lectures on a history of Tatar people is subdivided into four parts. Each part has the special subject of knowledge. The first part (further the question will be only it{her}) is devoted to studying of a history of the Tatar ethnos since the most ancient times till 1556. This period is sated with bright and diverse events. For cheredoj events it is necessary for us to make out laws ethnogenesisa and ethnic life of ancient Tatars to reveal and understand logic of events.
The overall objective of a course - to achieve understanding of an ethnic history of Tatars adequately the history and in a context of development of medieval civilizations of Eurasia. This purpose is easy for formulating, but to execute her{it} difficultly. Therefore a lot of attention will be given to disclosing of the most fundamental and complex{difficult} ideas ethnogenesisa Turkic peoples.
Tasks of studying of a course:
- Formation at students of scientific representations about a place and a role of Tatar people in the general course of historical development of mankind, about his{its} contribution to a universal civilization;
- A statement of a history of all ethnographic groups of Tatars, but not as "sums" of their histories, and as integrity; this integrity exists as Tatar people without dependence from places of his{its} dwelling;
- Reflection of a history of Tatar people adequately his{its} most history.
The decision of these tasks will allow to generate the valid attitude{relation} to the past at the reader, it is better to understand the present and in known limits to expect the future. Deep mastering of the maintenance{contents} of a course will allow you, to the future teachers of a history to learn rising generation to listen attentively to a melody of alternation of epoch, events and generations. You will manage to help pupils to understand possible{probable} variants of development of mankind as a whole, peoples of Republic Tatarstan in particular. “ The history brings up ” is the position stated by the best minds{wits} of mankind, it is necessary to carry out in all completeness. Besides it will enable to develop at the future teachers of a history and their pupils the following system of skills:
- To distinguish authentic historic facts from opinions;
- To synthesize the investigated information and to formulate conclusions;
- To state the acquired data on the basis of the produced plan;
- To formulate questions and to isolate the main idea at studying each theme;
- To reproduce the most important positions in different foreshortenings;
- To distinguish essential from insignificant, historical causality from casual in a history;
- To understand, how activity of the person influences development of a society and the state, on destinies of peoples.
Mastering by these skills will allow to consider an ethnic history of Tatars not as simple transfer of events, and as a chain of relationships of cause and effect.
The regular statement of an ethnic history of Tatar people is connected to considerable difficulties. The most valid are the following problems.
First, the Tatar nation is subdivided into set of groups and subgroups. It and Kazan Tatars, both Tatars-mishary, and Tatars-Kryashen, both Astrakhan, and Siberian, and Crimean Tatars. The part of groups, in turn, is subdivided into set of subgroups. This circumstance generates very serious question: whether on an ethnic history of Tatar people the training course should consist of “ the sum of histories ” various groups and subgroups of Tatars or it is necessary to study something integrigujushchee? If we shall go on the first way it is necessary to study a history of each group, and then to put{fold} a certain general picture. The mosaic panel will turn out. If to go on the second way it will be necessary to isolate first of all something the general, inherent in all groups and subgroups of Tatars irrespective of a place of their moving. integrigujushchim the beginning process of occurrence and development of the Tatar statehood and historical destiny of ethnos as a whole can be such. We shall go on this way.
Second, it is necessary to define{determine} an ethnic fundamental principle of Tatar people initially correctly. Complexity will be, that at his{its} formation many ethnic components participated. Among them there were both ancient bulgary, and ancient Tatars, and kipchaki, and also some other tjurkojazychnye tribes. Therefore it is essentially important to isolate the basic conducting ethnic components and to track their historical way.
Thirdly, the ethnic history of Tatar people and his{its} ancestors was closely bound with a history and destiny of many other ethnoses. Therefore at restoration of an ethnic history of Tatars it will be necessary to hold in sight process ethnogenesisa and an ethnic history of many tjurkojazychnyh and other peoples. We should be respectful to all peoples as to equal, though and not similar to us. Is not subject to doubt, that historians should struggle persistently and purposefully with ill-intentioned myths that one peoples - villains, and others - carriers tsivilizatorskoj missions. It is impossible to suppose and shadows of national conceit, belittling of a role of other peoples in act of mankind.
Fourthly, within many decades historians were authorized to quote and make comments on the sources determined by the decision of Central Committee VKP/b/from August, 9, 1944 “ About a condition and measures of improvement of massovo-political and ideological work in the Tatar party organization ”. On the basis of this decision to separate aspects of an ethnic history of Tatars have given the status of firmness and generality{universality}. In result a plenty of such works on a history of Tatarstan and Tatar people on which the seal of any artificiality lays, poster illjustrirovannosti and canonized dogma has collected. Unbiassed, thoughtful studying of an ethnic history of Tatar people will have important value not only for deeper understanding of historical destiny of this people, but also for judgement of challenges of development of other ethnoses.
Fifthly, now representations on many challenges of an ethnic history of Tatars are formed not during scientific discussion, and in pylu polemics on pages of periodicals, on meetings. And in all it participate, basically, people having rather remote attitude{relation} to a historical science.
And many other things imposes all this on you, the future teachers of a history, the big responsibility in business of training and education of rising generations.
Still it is a lot of non-authorized, undeveloped problems of an ethnic history of Tatars. However gradually historical science leaves on a new stage of ordering and conceptual judgement of the saved up facts concerning an ethnic history tjurkojazychnyh of peoples, including and Tatar. You should comprehend in a new fashion all centuries-old way of historical development, projdennyj Tatar people.
In the structural attitude{relation} all material subject to studying is divided{shared} into five blocks.
The first block - “ On traces of historical ancestors ” - includes a material reflecting a way, projdennyj historical ancestors of modern Tatars. Formation of any people is very complex{difficult} and long process. Is not exception and the Tatar people which has incorporated at formation various ethnic components. As the modern Tatar nation includes various groups and subgroups of Tatars we will need to solve a two-uniform problem{task}. First, to reveal and in appropriate way to describe that ethnic fundamental principle on the basis of which there were these groups and subgroups of Tatars. We further shall call this ethnic fundamental principle an ethnos - basis. Second, to find an ethnic basis of separate groups and subgroups of Tatars. Certainly, it is possible for making only at presence of historical sources.
We shall proceed on two basic representations, namely: first, ethnogenesis Tatar people was multicomponent, second, during formation of the Kazan Tatars as special ethnographic group of the modern Tatar nation as conducting ethnic components have taken part Volga bulgary and zolotoordynskie Tatars. Therefore in the first block (section) the history of formation Volga bulgar, and in the third section - a history of folding of a generality zolotoordynskih Tatars will be considered. In the fifth section the course of formation of the Kazan Tatars as result of mixture Volga bulgar with zolotoordynskimi Tatars will be considered.
The second block - “ Volga Bulgarija ” - will be devoted to a statement with possible the greater clearness and sequence of the questions connected to a history bulgarskih and closely related them{him;it} of tribes, moved in areas of the Average Volga region. In this section in the center of our attention there will be the problems connected to economic - economic activities Volga bulgar, development of their culture and forms of statehood.
The third block - “ Ancient Tatars: the origin and historical destiny ” is a central part of a course of lectures. It{he} begins with the description of the tjurko-Tatar world before occurrence on historical stage Chingizkhana. This world was extremely various and complex{difficult}. For understanding of an ethnic history of ancient Tatars it is very important to study process of formation of the centralized Mongolian state and to find out his{its} role in historical destiny of Tatars and bulgar. Taking into account this circumstance, a lot of attention will be given to consideration of the questions connected to development of mutual relations between Tatars and Mongols in XII-XIII centuries.
The fourth block - "Golden Horde" - is devoted to a statement of the events connected to occurrence and development of one the largest and powerful states of a Middle Ages. In the center of attention there will be not only problems of military-political character, but also questions of development of culture and foreign policy.
The fifth block - “ Kazan hanstvo: occurrence, development and historical destiny ” is a finishing section of the first part of the given course of lectures. The section opens display of process of disintegration before the uniform centralized state Golden Horde and occurrence on his{its} ruins of the new Tatar states - Crimean, Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan hanstva, and also Nogajskogo princedoms.
Formation and development Kazan hanstva have indissolubly been connected to blossoming the Tatar culture, transformation of Kazan into the largest cultural center of a Middle Ages.
On the basis of studying historical sources and the corresponding literature the picture of the russko-Tatar mutual relations up to the middle of XVI century is recreated. This section of a course of lectures contains the most sad pages of a history of Tatar people. At the same time in them heroism, self-sacrifice of defenders of Kazan in the name of freedom, independence of people is embodied. Cleanliness of their thoughts, courage have caused admiration in the witness of these events, the author “ Histories of the Kazan empire ”.
In this section the question will be not only inspirers of struggle for preservation of independence, but also about traitors of interests of peoples Kazan hanstva. Each people, naseljavshy his{its} territory, had not only traitors, but also national heroes. A lot of attention in this section will be given to the description of national-liberation struggle.
Material of the block “ the Organization of cognitive activity of students ” skompanovan so that to stimulate cogitative activity of students on the basis of judgement of knowledge received on lectures.
The offered{suggested} volume and the maintenance{contents} of tasks are examined by the author not as unique, and as one of variants. The teacher can vary tasks depending on a degree of readiness of students, their skills to analyze a material, to systematize and generalize the received knowledge. As it is supposed, that cognitive activity of students will have creative - search character texts of lectures are given briefly. They reflect only the basic in process ethnogenesisa and an ethnic history of Tatars. The interrelation of the maintenance{contents} of lectures with the methodical block will be to promote, in our opinion, to development in students of skill independently to form generalizations and conclusions on the basis of the analysis of a historical material.
Thus, the maintenance{contents} of the block “ the Organization of cognitive activity of students ” is called to not replace texts of lectures, and to add them. The author aspired to make thus process of knowledge of a history of Tatar people and his{its} historical ancestors interesting and to promote formation at students more a high level of cogitative skills.
Thus, the logic structure of a course is aimed at achievement of an overall objective of training - to mastering by the basic fundamental representations on an ethical history of Tatars. The many-sided systematized statement of the major facts and events of a history of Tatar people and his{its} historical ancestors is called to promote this. We believe, that the sequence of a statement of historical events used by us will allow to study and describe in the best way one of the major stages of an ethnic history of Tatars. As far as it was possible to the author, the reader will judge.
Advice{Councils} to students. The author started with a substantive provision - training is active process. Simple listening, reading and storing of the facts is of no use. Try to develop skill independently to think. Study and remember ways of thinking, the basic ideas. Learn to reflect and lean{base} on results of the reflections. Learn to take knowledge from historical sources and the special literature. The literature on an ethnic history of Tatars and that is considered her{it}, is rather extensive and various. Most informatsionno capacious historical sources and the literature will be characterized in the beginning of each lecture. Thus the problem{task} will consist not in that all to place on half-glasses and to list{transfer}, as as this or that author about Tatars has written. Our problem{task} - to characterize the sources used by preparation of the text of this or that lecture in the general form.
So, the purpose of a course of lectures is determined, the tasks subject to the decision, are formulated. It is necessary to start their realization.
Ëèòåðàòóðà è ïðèìå÷àíèÿ

1. Íîâîå â ñîâåòñêîé èñòîðè÷åñêîé íàóêå. – Ì., 1988.

2. Àðòàìîíîâ Ì.È. Î÷åðêè äðåâíåéøåé èñòîðèè õàçàð. – Ì., 1937.

Literature and notes

1. News of the Soviet historical science. - Ì., 1988.
2. Artamonov M.I. Notes on the ancient history of Khazars. - Ì., 1937.

Contents · Djagfar Tarihi Contents · Historical ancestors of the ancient Bulgars

In Russian
Besenyos, Ogur and Oguz
Alans and Ases
  Alan Dateline
Avar Dateline
Besenyo Dateline
Bulgar Dateline
Huns Dateline
Karluk Dateline
Kimak Dateline
Kipchak Dateline
Khazar Dateline
Kyrgyz Dateline
Sabir Dateline